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Eyelights & The Brain



Light and color entering the eyes in a certain configuration can help maximize brain function. Because most people use one dominant eye and this activate only half of their brain capacity in processing. With the use of eyelights we can stimulate and balance full brain function.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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When light enters the eye information travels from the retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) located in the thalamus of the brain. There are two geniculate nuclei, each comprised of 6 layers: two magnocellular layers and 4 parvocellular layers. Magno pathways have large cells that carry out fast processes for perceiving position, motion, shape, and low contrast. The magno cells form the major input to the dorsal stream (parietal lobes) or "where or how" pathway. Parvo pathways have smaller cells that carry out slower processes for perceiving still images, color, detail, and high contrasts. The parvo cells form the major input to the ventral stream (temporal lobes) or "what" pathway.


Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Because eye dominance sets in and information becomes suppressed, only 6 of the 12 layers are being excited. Therefore, only 50% of the thalamus is being stimulated. When Eyelights are applied to the non-dominant eye in a monocular fashion excitation occurs within the 6 lesser functioning layers, resulting in stimulation of the entire thalamus.

An excitatory barrage then travels to the mesencephalon, the most metabolic area of the brain, causing an increase in cellular activity. When these cells become excited they metabolize glucose for energy and produce new proteins in order to stay healthy, creating a cell with more stamina and endurance. The excitatory barrage travels also to the parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes of the brain, while collateral fibers lead to the pineal gland, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus.


Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


Neurotransmitters are naturally occurring chemicals responsible for communication of information between neurons in the brain and between the brain and organs of the body. A chemical imbalance occurs when an irregularity exists in the production, absorption, or re-absorption (reuptake) of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. It is thought that a continuous state of stress or agitation experienced over extended periods of time can force the brain to cycle through important neurotransmitters too quickly, creating an imbalance.

Research has shown that light projections into the eye can have a profound effect on the hormonal system, emotions, stress levels, sleep, brain function, and many other aspects of a patient's biochemistry. One study showed remarkable changes in the concentration of neurotransmitters in the cerebro-spinal fluid.


Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


    Serotonin is a major neurotransmitter found in cardiovascular tissue, the peripheral nervous system, blood cells, and the central nervous system. 90% of serotonin is in the intestine and the rest in blood platelets and the brain. Although the CNS contains less than 2% of the total serotonin in the body, serotonin plays a very important role in a range of brain functions.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


In addition to mood control, serotonin has been linked with a wide variety of functions, including the regulation of sleep, pain perception, body temperature, blood pressure, and hormonal activity. Outside the brain, serotonin is particularly involved with the gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems.

In order to stimulate serotonin production, Eyelights will be worn with the top row of lights blinking brighter.


Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


Dopamine is critical to the way the brain controls our movements and is concentrated in groups of neurons called the basal ganglia. The basal ganglia are a collection of neurons deep to the white matter of the cerebral cortex. Dopaminergic neurons are widely distributed throughout the brain via three pathways. Movement control also involves the interaction of many other brain regions, including the motor cortex, the thalamus, the cerebellum, and a large number of neuron groups located within the mesencephalon and brain stem.  Loss of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra, which connects with the basal ganglia, is a major factor in Parkinson's disease, where a person loses the ability to execute smooth, controlled movements.

Disruption of the dopamine system has also been linked to psychosis, schizophrenia, and addiction. Drugs used to enhance the action of dopamine have been known to cause sleep attacks, hallucinations, dizziness, headaches, and fatigue. Anti-psychotic drugs, which block dopamine receptors, can even cause symptoms normally associated with Parkinson's such as tremors, dystonia, and the slowing down of facial expression and body movements.

In order to stimulate dopamine production, Eyelights will be worn with the bottom row of lights blinking brighter.

Conditions that are helped

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


Alzheimer's Disease: Eyelights therapy can excite nerve cells, minimizing further degeneration, and potentially slow down the progression of the disease.   Light therapy can also cause the brain to produce higher levels of neurotransmitters, improving function within the temporal lobe (memory/mental state). Recommendations:   Red component, Violet lens, Top row brighter

Dyslexia: Eyelights therapy stimulates the entire thalamus so that all 12 layers are functioning at their optimal level.  When 100% of the thalamus is excited, magno cell function will improve.  It has been found that 87% of reading disabled children showed an improvement in comprehension while reading with blue filters.  It is thought that a blue filter removes enough of the red in what a person sees thus allowing the magno cells to work properly. Recommendations:  Red or black component, Blue or Yellow lens, Bottom row  brighter

ADHD: Many symptoms of ADHD are similar to those associated with binocular vision problems, such as convergence insufficiency and accommodative problems.  Eyelights therapy can help to strengthen the weaker eye muscle by stimulating the visual system.  Light therapy creates global excitation of the brain, causing an elevation in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.  Studies have shown that color can also have a profound effect on behavioral and learning problems.  Certain colors can reduce hyperactivity, increase attention span, and improve speed and accuracy.   Behavioral problems within the classroom have been linked to the fact that fluorescent lighting in classrooms is lacking the blue spectrum of color.  Recommendations:  Red component, Blue lens, Top row brighter

Autism: By stimulating the non-dominant eye you can excite the entire thalamus, resulting in global excitation of the brain.  A cascade of excitation and activity occurs and eventually reaches each of our other senses, resulting in a better ability to coordinate sensory information.   Recommendations:  Red component, Clear lens, Top row brighter

Stroke: Eyelights therapy initiates cellular activity, causing cells to produce new proteins in order to stay healthy.  Since visual pathways are extensive throughout the brain, using light therapy to excite the cells around the area of stroke can be an effective rehabilitative tool.  Eyelights therapy can minimize further degradation of tissues around the affected area.  The excitation of cells can enhance the comeback and maturation of the damaged area to help improve mental, physical, and cognitive losses. Recommendations:  Black component, Yellow lens, Bottom row brighter

Multiple Sclerosis: Light therapy can help sustain myelination by exciting the cerebellum, and in turn, exciting cells into producing proteins in order to stay healthy.  This stimulation also helps to stabilize muscles of the spine, allowing for better integrity of mid-line structures.  Recommendations:  Black component, Yellow lens, Bottom row brighter

Tourette Syndrome: Eyelights therapy can calm down outburst activity occurring within the cortical layers of the brain.  Light therapy can be used to enhance serotonin production, allowing for a readjustment in dopamine levels.  Recommendations:  Black component, Blue or Violet lens, Top row brighter

Scoliosis: The brain influences spinal structures.  Medial rectus eye muscles and multifidi muscles of the spine are under the same neurological relationships and have the same constraints.  So, by stimulating the non-dominant eye, the multifidi also become stimulated and tone changes will occur. Recommendations:  Black component, Yellow lens, Bottom row brighter

Visual Field Loss: Because eye dominance sets in, only 50% of the thalamus functions at its optimal level.  When light is applied strictly to the non-dominant eye, the entire thalamus becomes stimulated, resulting in global cortical excitation.  Monocular Eyelights therapy will stimulate the lesser functioning system, resulting in activation of all magno and parvo cell layers.  Recommendations:  Monocular stimulation of the non-dominant eye

Color Therapy Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Research shows that some colors can stimulate certain bodily enzymes to be 500% more effective.  And some colors can increase the rate of enzymatic reactions, activate or deactivate certain enzymes, and affect the movement of substances across cell membranes.

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain Tulsa chiropractor,


It has been found that 87% of reading disabled children showed an improvement in comprehension when reading with blue filters. One study showed that children's ADHD symptoms were significantly better after participating in green outdoor activities.   In some patients who have suffered strokes, color has successfully eliminated paralysis and helped to fully restore normal body function.