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WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE Week of: Monday Dec. 30, 2013

Courtesy of:

John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111


WELLNESS/PREVENTION:  ASPIRIN RISKS MAY OUTWEIGH BENEFITS IN HEALTHY ADULTS Healthy adults who take daily aspirin to stave off heart disease may be inviting more harm than benefit, according to a new review of past studies. "Too many healthy people think that aspirin will prevent heart attacks and cancer," said Dr. Peter Sandercock of the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. "This shows that if you are healthy, with no symptoms of cardiovascular disease, then it's not sensible to take regular aspirin. It won't improve your health," he told Reuters Health.

IN THE NEWS: HAPPINESS AND LAUGHTER ARE NATURAL IMMUNE BOOSTERS There are many studies supporting the belief that people with an upbeat and positive perspective tend to be healthier and enjoy longer lives. For example, in one study, the tendency to always expect the worst was linked to a 25 percent higher risk of dying before the age of 65. In one of Professor Cole’s happiness studies, participants answered questions about the frequency of certain emotional states, covering two different categories or types of happiness known to psychologists as: Hedonic well-being (characterized by happiness gleaned from pleasurable experiences, such as sex) Eudaimonic well-being (originating with Aristotle, this form of happiness comes from activities that bring you a greater sense of purpose, life meaning, or self-actualization ) Interestingly, while both are positive emotional states associated with happiness, the gene expressions they produced were not identical. Those whose sense of happiness was rooted in the eudaimonic camp were found to have favorable gene-expression profiles, while hedonic well-being produced gene profiles similar to those seen in people experiencing stress due to adversity.


What kind of music do chiropractors listen to? HIP-POP!

Standing in the park, I was wondering why a frisbee looks larger the closer it gets... then it hit me.

When I was six, my family moved to a new city. Fortunately I was able to track them down. – that's a site for sore eyes.

You know that thing when you're halfway through eating a horse and you think to yourself, "I'm not as hungry as I thought I was"?

You know somebody actually complimented me on my driving today. They left a little note on the windscreen. It said 'Parking Fine' so that was nice.

I was reading this book, the history of glue. I couldn't put it down.

Patient: It's been one month since my last visit and I still feel miserable. Doctor: Did you follow the instructions on the medicine I gave you? Patient: I sure did - the bottle said 'keep tightly closed.

‘When I was born the doctor took one look at my face .... turned me over and said. Look ... twins!  Rodney Dangerfield

The best doctor in the world is the veterinarian.  He can't ask his patients what is the matter-he's got to just know.  Will Rogers



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