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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

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IN THE NEWS: Women Put an Average of 168 Chemicals on Their Bodies Daily Almost 13,000 chemicals are used in cosmetics, and only about 10 percent have been evaluated for safety. Although the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the authority to regulate harmful ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products, they don't often exercise it… The average US woman uses 12 personal care products a day, containing 168 different chemicals. While most men use fewer products, they’re still exposed to about 85 such chemicals daily. Women with higher levels of personal-care chemicals in their bodies experienced menopause two to four years earlier than women with lower levels. NOTE: DETOX ON A REGULAR BASISAND USE NATURAL COSMETICS.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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WELLNESS: For Lower Blood Pressure, Eat More of These If you want to protect your teens from high blood pressure as adults, ease off on salt restrictions and make sure they're getting enough potassium in their diets. The study, which was published in JAMA Pediatrics, found no evidence that higher intakes of salt had a negative effect on adolescent blood pressure. But girls who had high levels of potassium had lower blood pressure throughout adolescence than girls who were deficient in the mineral. Experts suggest an intake of 4,700 milligrams of potassium daily. Citrus fruits, bananas, potatoes, kale, and fish are rich sources of potassium.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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CHIROPRACTIC: HELP FOR CROHN’S DISEASE Crohn’s disease is an ongoing disorder that is associated with inflammation of the digestive tract, also referred to as the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It can affect any area of the GI tract, from the mouth to the anus, but is more commonly found in the end of the small bowel (ileum) and the beginning of the large intestine (colon). Chiropractic offers hope for patients suffering from this condition. Nerve irritation sometimes can be the source of the information, food allergies, a toxic colon and even autoimmune issues can give rise to Crohn’s disease. With a combination of chiropractic adjustments to remove the nerve irritation and detoxification along with targeted nutrition directed towards the immune system and/or the colon have been very successful. Tell someone about chiropractic.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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FUNNY BONES: Dairy Queen has announced plans to remove soda from its kids' menu. Raising the question: Isn't their entire menu a kids' menu? Seth Meyers @@@ A man and his wife are sitting in the living room and he says to her, "Just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state dependent on some machine. If that ever happens, just pull the plug."  "OK," says his wife as she gets up and unplugs the TV.




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photo-nosebleedDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Nosebleeds can be dramatic and frightening. Luckily, most nosebleeds are not serious and can be handled fairly easily. They are divided into two types, depending on whether the bleeding is coming from the anterior (front of the nose) or posterior (back of the nose). Anterior nosebleeds make up more than 90% of all nosebleeds.

nose_sinus_modelDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.



 The bleeding usually comes from a blood vessel at the very front part of the nose. Anterior nosebleeds are usually easy to control, either by measures that can be performed at home or by a doctor. Posterior nosebleeds are much less common than anterior nosebleeds. They tend to occur more often in elderly people. The bleeding usually comes from an artery in the back part of the nose. These nosebleeds are more complicated and usually require admission to the hospital and management by an otolaryngologist (an ear, nose, and throat specialist).

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


Nosebleeds tend to occur during winter months and in dry, cold climates. They can occur at any age but are most common in children aged 2 to 10 years and adults aged 50 to 80 years.

NOSE HITDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Nosebleed Causes

Most commonly, trauma to the nose triggers a nosebleed. Trauma to the outside of the nose, such as a blow to the face, or trauma inside the nose, such as nose picking or repeated irritation from a cold, can cause a nosebleed.

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


Less commonly, an underlying disease process, such as an inability of the blood to clot, may contribute to the bleeding. Inability of the blood to clot is most often due to blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin(Coumadin) or aspirinLiver disease can also interfere with blood clotting. Abnormal blood vessels or cancers in the nose are rare causes of nosebleeds. High blood pressure may contribute to bleeding but is almost never the only reason for a nosebleed.

To stop a nosebleed:

Nosebleed CUREDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Remain calm.

Sit up straight.

Lean your head forward. Tilting your head back will only cause you to swallow the blood.

Pinch the nostrils together with your thumb and index finger for 10 minutes. Have someone time you to make sure you do not release the nostrils any earlier.

clothespinnoseDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Tired of pinching? Use a clothespin.

Spit out any blood in your mouth. Swallowing it may make you vomit.

670px-Stop-a-Nosebleed-iDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.n-Seconds-by-Putting-Paper-Under-Your-Upper-Lip-Step-6


Still dripping? Wad up a small piece of tissue or gauze, then stick it between your gums and upper lip in the area right under your nose. Leave it there for 5 to 10 minutes. The tissue puts pressure on the blood vessels that are sending blood to your nose. There are countless versions of this remedy—pouring vinegar, witch hazel, or lemon juice on the tissue; using a small square of brown paper from a bag sprinkled with salt; even placing a dime or a small, flat button under your upper lip instead of a tissue.

Apply an ice pack alongside the bleeding nostril. The cold narrows the blood vessels in the nose to slow the spurting.

Can you tell me how to stop frequent nosebleeds?

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


The power of prevention

 If you want to avoid nosebleeds, keep your mucous membranes moist by drinking eight 8oz glasses of water a day. You are well hydrated if your urine is pale, not dark.

Don’t overdo the AC. Air-conditioning dries out the air, leaving you more prone to nosebleeds.

In winter, add moisture indoors by running a humidifier.

Spritz your nostrils liberally with a saline nasal spray.

Watch your aspirin intake. Aspirin can interfere with blood clotting, and of course that’s not a good thing if you get frequent nosebleeds.

allergy_mixDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


If you have nasal allergies, treat them promptly. Between the constant irritation caused by allergens and the damage done by blowing your nose, nasal membranes take a real beating when you’re having an allergic reaction.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


If you often have trouble with nosebleeds, take 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams of vitamin C every day to help prevent them. Vitamin C helps strengthen capillary walls and is also a vital component of collagen, a substance that gives your nostrils a moist, protective lining. Along with vitamin C, take 1000 milligrams daily of a bioflavonoid supplement such as grape-seed extract, pine-bark extract, pycnogenol, or proanthocyanins. Flavonoids are known to heal capillaries.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Cayenne pepper can help to prevent frequent nosebleeds. The suggested dose is 600 mg a day.

Finally, make sure you’re eating enough broccoli and leafy greens, which contain vitamin K, the clotting vitamin. If you continue to have frequent nosebleeds on this regimen, consider adding a vitamin K supplement, 100 mcg per day. (If you are taking Coumadin or another blood thinner, you need to avoid the synthetic form of vitamin K (MK-4). Instead, talk to your doctor about taking a low dose of K2 (MK-7), approximately 45 mcg per day) to stop or prevent frequent nosebleeds.

LINK:measuring stomach phfunction using ph paper


LINK:mothers your children deserve chiropractic care



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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111


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IN THE NEWS: Rhodiola shows antidepressant benefits in new study Rhodiola rosea, an herb deriving from Siberia and China, has shown benefits as an antidepressant agent in a recent study. Published in the March 15 edition of the journal Phytomedicine, Rhodiola was tested among 57 subjects suffering from mild to moderate depression over 12 weeks, against the antidepressant drug sertraline. Results of the study were measured using standard scoring tests. The results showed that Rhodiola offers antidepressant benefits, though sertraline proved more effective. But the researchers who conducted the study found Rhodiola imparts fewer negative effects than sertraline, making it a safer choice. NOTE: TREATING DEPRESSION NEEDS TO BE A HOLISTIC APPROACH, PICKING ONE HERB OR NUTRIENT THAT YOU READ ABOUT MIGHT NOT ADDRESS THE UNDERLYING CAUSE. ASK US ABOUT AN EFFECTIVE PROTOCOL.


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WELLNESS: The healthiest greens to add to your diet Most green veggies are less than 50 calories per cup and are packed with fiber and nutrients.  But if the old standbys like kale and spinach bore you, Frances Largeman-Roth, registered dietician and author of “Eating in Color,” says there are many others to try. “Seven servings or more of fruits and vegetables -- especially the vegetables -- can cut your risk of death from any disease, any illness by 42 percent,” Watercress, a semiaquatic plant native to Europe and Asia, isn’t just for tea sandwiches.  Use it in soups and salads for a peppery bite.  Dandelion greens are also growing in popularity and go particularly well with egg dishes. And Swiss chard is a hardy green that has a lot of vitamin A, C and K.


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CONDITION OF THE WEEK: HEALTH have you ever thought of the difference between healthcare and disease care? Most people haven’t. Let’s take headaches for an example, the average medical approach for headaches are some type of painkiller. Do you think you have the headaches because you’re low in painkillers? In natural healthcare we would consider nerve pressure in the neck, toxicity, dehydration just to name a few. In natural healthcare we have to find the source of the problem because we don’t use toxic drugs to cover up the symptoms. How many drugs do you think you would have to take every day to be healthy? Even if you’re an insulin-dependent diabetic the insulin doesn’t restore you to normal health. You will have health challenges the rest of your life. Health is a natural expression of the body’s genetic potentials through the nervous system. Keep your spine in proper alignment, eat foods consistent with your body type, drink plenty of water, stay active and spend time relaxing (prayer or meditation).

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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FUNNY BONE:  A new report says that dogs can sniff out prostate cancer with almost 98 percent accuracy. The report also finds that cats can sniff it out with 100 percent accuracy but they prefer to watch you die. Conan O'Brien

LINK:Chiropractic and DNA Repair

LINK:20 ways to sleep better every night

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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

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WELLNESS/PREVENTION: 5 Foods for Healthy Eyes LEAFY Greens They're packed with lutein and zeaxanthin—antioxidants that, studies, lower the risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts CARROTS and other orange-colored fruits and vegetables promote eye health and protect vision, and it's true: Beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A that gives these foods their orange hue, helps the retina and other parts of the eye to function smoothly.EGGS The yolk is a prime source of lutein and zeaxanthin—plus zinc, which also helps reduce your macular degeneration risk, according to Paul Dougherty, MD, medical director of Dougherty Laser Vision in Los Angeles. CITRUS AND BERRIES These fruits are powerhouses of vitamin, which has been shown to reduce the risk of developing macular and cataracts. ALMONDS They're filled with vitamin E, which slows macular degeneration, research. One handful (an ounce) provides about half of your daily dose of E. Fatty fish Tuna, salmon, mackerel, anchovies and trout are rich in DHA, a fatty acid found in your retina—low levels of which have been linked to dry eye syndrome, says Jimmy Lee, MD, director of refractive surgery at Montefiore Medical Center, in New York City.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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IN THE NEWS:FDA issues new warning about testosterone drugs The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning men about testosterone replacement products increasing their risk for heart attacks and strokes. The agency is urging doctors and the makers of these products to properly inform patients about the possibility of developing these life-threatening conditions. ASK ABOUT A SAFE NATURAL APPROACH.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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CONDITION OF THE WEEK:Sense of well-being one of the unique effects of chiropractic adjustments is a cascade of chemical reactions that take place deep within the brain and spinal cord. These chemicals are important in our sense of well-being. Besides noticing better energy and better sleep a common response to chiropractic adjustments is patients have an increased sense of well-being. This is part of the benefits of chiropractic in the treatment of patients with addictions.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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FUNNY BONE:An anchor for Russia's state-owned news channel quit on live TV yesterday, saying that she doesn’t agree with the network's support of Vladimir Putin. In response, Putin sent her somewhere no one will ever see her again — CNN.@@@ A child psychologist had twin boys—one was an optimist; the other, a pessimist. Just to see what would happen, on Christmas Day he loaded the pessimist’s room with toys and games. In the optimist’s room, he dumped a pile of horse droppings. That night, the father found the pessimist surrounded by his gifts, crying. “What’s wrong?” the father asked. “I have a ton of game manuals to read … I need batteries … and my toys will all eventually get broken!” sobbed the pessimist. Passing the optimist’s room, the father found him dancing for joy around the pile of manure. “Why are you so happy?” he asked. The optimist shouted, “There’s got to be a pony in here somewhere!”





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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

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IN THE NEWS:UNICEF warns lack of toilets in Pakistan tied to stunting--- More than 40 million people in Pakistan do not have access to a toilet, forcing them to defecate in the open, which in turn is a major contributor to stunting in the country, a top UNICEF official said. Pakistan is the third-largest country when it comes to people going to the bathroom in the open, behind India and Indonesia. The problem can spread disease and lead to intestinal infections, which can contribute to stunted growth in young children.

stop-smokingDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


WELLNESS:MARIJUANA SMOKING  investigators had shown that smoking one marijuana cigarette leads to the deposition in the lungs of four times as much tar as smoking a tobacco cigarette containing the same amount of plant material. Marijuana cigarettes are not filtered and are more loosely packed than tobacco, so there's less filtration of the tar. In addition, pot smokers hold the smoke in their lungs about four times longer than tobacco smokers do, Dr. Tashkin pointed out.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.



CONDITION OF THE WEEK:TENSION HEADACHES are one of the most common forms of headache. They can occur at any age, but are most common in adults. Tension headaches typically occur when the neck and scalp muscles become tense, or contract.  The muscles contractions can be a response to stress, depression, a head injury or anxiety. Chiropractic adjustments are the best treatment on the planet for all kinds of headaches.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


 FUNNY BONES:Scientists have discovered a black hole that is 12 billion times the size of our sun. It's full of Hillary Clinton emails. David Letterman-- I sure miss the day when someone else pumped your gas for you. It was much cheaper back then.-- Hillary Clinton is receiving criticism after telling a crowd to “unlock their full potential,” because that line is commonly used by another possible candidate, Carly Fiorina. People said, “You can’t just steal someone’s slogan like that!” And Hillary said, “Yes we can!” Jimmy Fallon

LINK: Painkiller Study Helps Tackle National Problem of Legal Drug Addiction

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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

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CONDITION OF THE WEEK: FOOT PAIN AND ORTHOTICS-they are not only for foot pain but they help overall alignment and can prevent injuries. Just like your spine when you're foots in proper alignment you will be less prone to injury not only to the foot but the ankle, knee, hips as well is the spine. Wearing orthotics can benefit you all the way up to your neck alignment. Plantar fasciitis is an obvious sign that you need orthotics but back pain as well could be helped because when you stand your whole spine looks to your feet for balance. Ask us about custom orthotics. You will notice less fatigue by the end of the day if you on your feet all day.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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DIET: The Anti-Ovarian Cancer Diet Endive Endive is a salad vegetable. Studies of more than 62,000 women in the Netherlands have found those who ate endive had a 75% reduction in the risk of ovarian cancer. Protective Prescription: Research shows you should eat a half-cup of endives, twice per week. Onion Eating onions has been shown to reduce the risk of many types of cancer, including ovarian cancer. Red onions are about 60% more potent than yellow or white onions, in terms of the amounts of cancer fighters. Protective Prescription: To protect against ovarian cancer, you should eat a half-cup of onions – cooked or raw – every day. Fish a series of studies from Northern Italy showed that eating fish reduced the risk of ovarian cancer by 30%. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish that are good for your heart and protect against stroke also protect against cancer.  Protective Prescription: Research suggests eating 6-oz servings of fish 2-3 times per week. Tomato Tomatoes protect against ovarian cancer. A study of 13,000 women in California showed that eating a half-cup of tomatoes five or more times a week reduced the risk of ovarian cancer by more than 60%. What’s in tomato? Lycopene – and it’s anti-angiogenic, too.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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IN THE NEWS: Aluminum, Fluoride, and Glyphosate—A Toxic Trifecta Implicated in Autism and Alzheimer's Disease Aluminum-containing products are likely fueling the rise in Alzheimer's disease and autism. Aluminum and glyphosate appear to act as synergistic poisons that promote autism . Fluoride in food and drinking water may also exacerbate the ill effects of aluminum. The best way to protect yourself is to be careful about your choices in food, drink, and personal products, and minimize use of vaccines and other drugs that contain aluminum, mercury, and/or fluoride

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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FUNNY BONE:Ron Chestna 89 years of age was stopped by the police around 2 a.m. and was asked where he was going at that time of night. Ron replied, "I'm on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late." The officer asked, "Really? Who's giving that lecture at this time of night?" Ron replied, "That would be my wife."

LINK:CALCIUM FACTS “Don’t count on milk to beat osteoporosis.

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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

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IN THE NEWS: A NEW STUDY IN THE JOURNAL PEDIATRICS   SUGGESTS that hand washing of dishes may be healthier than using an automatic dishwasher. The study, which looked at 1029 families with children ages 7-8 years finds that some allergy related disorders are less common in families who primarily hand wash their dinner and cookware as opposed to using a dishwasher. The authors theorize that perhaps, since hand washing would appear to be a less thorough method of cleansing, residual bacteria left on dinnerware might help subjects to develop a more natural tolerance to various allergens. Some findings include the following. Eczema was seen in 38% of children from "dishwasher" families as opposed to only23% in families who typically hand wash. Asthma was more than four times as common (7.3%) in machine washed families compared to hand washed households (1.7%). Nasal allergies didn't appear to be as much increased, but were still increased at 12.9% vs. 10.3%. Additionally, the study showed that families who eat fermented foods and farm-fresh produce are less likely to exhibit allergies.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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WELLNESS: FOODS THAT TRIGGER HEADACHES most headaches are caused by subluxations or misalignments in the neck but for some headache and migraine sufferers, certain foods can act as triggers. Grapes are low in calories and rich in vitamin C and fiber, so they are a nutritional snack. But they also contain a substance called tyramine, a naturally occurring amino acid that forms from the breakdown of protein in food as it ages. Tyramine can cause your blood pressure to rise, which can trigger headaches in some people. If you experience this reaction, you may want to avoid other trigger foods, such as:• Smoked or cured meats• Aged cheeses• Citrus fruits• Sauerkraut • Soy sauce• Red wine• And certain beers Research shows that tyramine in grapes can have a negative effect on certain antidepressants called MAOIs.  Patients taking these medications should talk to their doctor about their diet. Keeping a food diary to see if you may be sensitive to tyramine-rich foods could also help.

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,

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CONDITION OF THE WEEK: SLEEP PROBLEMS misalignments particularly in the neck can cause constant stimulation to the brainstem and nervous system in a way that doesn’t allow for complete sleep. Besides more energy, feeling more relaxed better sleep is one of the most common benefits from chiropractic adjustments that patients mention. And when you get adjusted particularly if you get regular adjustments your nervous system functions much more relaxed and dynamic way that not only improves how your body functions and your overall health status they can make a huge difference in your quality of sleep.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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FUNNY BONE:Everyone thinks I'm a hypochondriac – it makes me sick.@@ The main ingredient in hand sanitizer is paranoia.@@ Today I tried to donate blood but they had too many questions about where I got it.@@ I have metal filling in my teeth. My refrigerator magnets keep pulling me into the kitchen and that's why I can't lose weight.@@ Hypochondria is the one disease I haven't got.@@ You think you have it bad. I got addicted to placebos.@@ I have CDO. It's like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order as they should be.

LINK: Don't die from your headaches

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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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 IN THE NEWS: CHILDREN THAT DRINK RAW MILK HAVE 41% LESS ASTHMA the JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY reported on August 29, 2011 that children who drank raw milk had a 41% reduced chance of developing asthma. The same children had a nearly 50% reduction in hayfever as well even when other relevant factors were considered. The large European study reported by REUTERS HEALTH earlier this month included survey results were parents answered detailed questions about their children’s milk consumption. 800 milk samples were collected from the households of those participating in the study. Researchers linked the protective effect of raw milk to the fragile whey protein BSA and alpha-lacto albumin which are destroyed by pasteurization.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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WELLNESS: CHOLESTROL FRIEND OR FOE? The advice to avoid cholesterol-rich foods and foods high in saturated fat has likely increased heart disease rates, as these nutrients are important for heart health. Cholesterol is one of the most important molecules in your body; indispensable for the building of cells and for producing stress and sex hormones, as well as vitamin D. Total cholesterol tells you virtually nothing about your heart disease risk. Only small dense LDL particles can potentially be a problem, as they can squeeze through the lining of your arteries. If they oxidize, they can cause damage and inflammation. An inflammatory chemistry is the cause of oxidation, eat anti-inflammatory foods.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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CONDITION OF THE WEEK:COLON PROBLEMS due to the nature of our food supply, with highly processed foods loaded with chemicals, it's no wonder we have so many colon problems in our society. What you might not realize is when the lining of the colon gets damaged things get absorbed into the bloodstream that should normally be eliminated. This can cause allergies, skin problems, toxicity issues, immune disorders, sleep problems and fatigue. Restoring nerve control with chiropractic adjustments and establishing a healthier diet with targeted nutrients to help prepare the lining of the colon can eliminate most colon problems.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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FUNNY BONE: Old Lawyer Friend A doctor vacationing on the Riviera met an old lawyer friend and asked him what he was doing there. The lawyer replied, “Remember that lousy real estate I bought? Well, it caught fire, so here I am with the fire insurance proceeds. What are you doing here?” The doctor replied, “Remember that lousy real estate I had in Mississippi? Well, the river overflowed, and here I am with the flood insurance proceeds.” The lawyer looked puzzled. “Gee,” he asked, how did you start the flood?”


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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

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pop dangersDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.



IN THE NEWS: DRINKING SODA AGES YOUR IMMUNE CELLS SIMILAR TO THAT OF A DAILY SMOKING HABIT Research published in the American Journal of Public Health claims that drinking soda on a daily basis ages your immune cells to a degree similar to that of a daily smoking habit. To reach this conclusion, the researchers studied the effect of sugary sodas on human telomeres. At the very tip of each arm of the chromosome is where you'll find the telomere. Your telomeres shorten with time because they cannot replicate completely each time the cell divides. Hence, as you get older, your telomeres get shorter and shorter.They found that people who drank more sugary soda tended to have shorter telomeres. Drinking an 8-ounce daily serving of soda corresponded to 1.9 years of additional aging, and drinking a daily 20-ounce serving was linked to 4.6 more years of aging.

Dr. Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor, neck pain, headache,



WELLNESS: STOP COLDS, FLU EVEN EBOLA WITH NIXALL For those of you who already have Nixall you have a powerful defense against colds and flu's. The news on Nixall keeps coming in; see the list of organisms below that Nixall can kill. Simply spray it in your throat when you have signs of a developing infection and it will usually stop it in its tracks. Even your own white blood cells manufacture and release Hypochlorous acid as part of its chemical warfare against microorganisms, they can't defend themselves against it so there will not be any resistant organisms produced. Don’t forget we carry nasal applicators where you can mix Nixall with saline or water at 50% and it's still equally effective. If you have a nebulizer you can use Nixall along with key essential oils to help rehabilitate the bronchial tubes and lungs. Nixall is safe enough to spray in your eye if you had conjunctivitis, it can be sprayed in the ear, one common route for viruses to get in the system, and it will not sting when sprayed upon cuts or wounds and it maximizes the healing by eliminating harmful organisms. Testing of Hypochlorous acid (HOCL) has documented Its TOTAL EFFECTIVENESS IN THE ELIMINATION OF Salmonella spp, E.coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Ebola, Tuberculosis (TB), Legionella pneumophila, Anthrax Spores, Staphylococcus, Listeria, HIV, MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Norovirus, human and animal Influenza (including H5N1 Avian Influenza), and many more.

foot_kinesio, Dr Keefe,  Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


CONDITION OF THE WEEK: FOOT PAIN can come from many different conditions. Fallen arches, bunions, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs and sciatica to name a few. We are proud to offer custom orthotics (arch supports) to help establish a better balance of the foot. Most of the conditions just named can be helped if not completely corrected with a good pair of custom orthotics. Sometimes adjusting the foot or Kinesio taping can bring great belief. But foot pain could be coming from the back and the chiropractic adjustment could make all the difference in the world.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


FUNNY BONE:   RAC Motoring Services: Caller: "Does your European Breakdown Policy cover me when I am travelling in Australia? Operator: Doesn't the product give you a clue?


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Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.



CONDITION OF THE WEEK:RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS this is the season for sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, flu, colds and chronic cough. Probably the most common reason is the lower humidity due to the cold air and the action of heaters that dry the air out. Dry air sucks the moisture out of your body. As the moisture leaves, the body mobilizes the oil soluble vitamins particularly vitamin A to compensate. Vitamin A supplies moisture and health to the mucous membranes of your sinuses, bronchial tubes and lungs. As a vitamin A level diminishes along with the vitamin D, your immune system becomes compromised and the above health problems develop. Keep the humidity, particularly in your bedroom, above 40% also asked to be checked on vitamin A and D to see if you need to increase it.

fatsDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


DIET: STUDY: MIDNIGHT SNACKS COULD HURT YOUR MEMORY UCLA researchers say they're seeing—at least in mice—a decline in memory when food is consumed during typical sleep hours. "Those animals that were misaligned show severe deficits in their recall of the training that they received," Researchers also found that the strength of neural connections suffered among the population with a misaligned eating schedule, meaning they not only recalled less quickly but learned less quickly, too.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


IN THE NEWS: EVEN WITHOUT CONCUSSION, HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL PLAYERS EXHIBIT BRAIN CHANGES, STUDY SAYS High school football players can undergo significant brain changes after only a single season— even if they don’t get a concussion, Wake Forest University researchers have found. Scientists said the ongoing study of 24 students, ages 16 to 18, from a Winston-Salem, N.C. high school, is the largest and most comprehensive research of its kind. Whitlow said the heaviest hitters exhibited the most brain changes, while the light hitters had fewer brain changes at the end of the season. “The important thing to note is although we’re seeing these changes, none of these players are experiencing any common symptoms of concussion,” Whitlow said.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


FUNNY BONE:We spend the first twelve months of our children’s lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up. Wife – You hate my relatives! Husband – No, I don’t! In fact, I like your mother-in-law more than I like mine. My husband, an avid golf player couldn’t help challenging my boastful son to a game of golf. He was in for quite a surprise when on the first swing my son got a hole in one. “OK” my quick-thinking husband said while subtlety winking at me “now, I will take my practice shot, and then we will start.”



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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


 IN THE NEWS: Antibiotic Use Linked to Childhood ObesityChildren under the age of two who are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics are more likely to be obese later in childhood, a study epublished in JAMA Pediatrics on September 29 reported. Children who were exposed to antibiotics — especially broad-spectrum antibiotics — as infants had an 11% greater likelihood of becoming obese sometime between the ages of two and five compared to infants who had never taken an antibiotic or who were treated with narrow-spectrum antibiotics such as penicillin and amoxicillin. Infants who took four or more antibiotics, including at least one broad-spectrum antibiotic, had a 16% greater risk of obesity later in childhood. The earlier a child began taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, the greater the risk he or she would become obese between ages three to five.

pop dangersDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.



WELLNESS: DRINKING SODA AGES YOUR IMMUNE CELLS SIMILAR TO THAT OF A DAILY SMOKING HABIT Research published in the American Journal of Public Health claims that drinking soda on a daily basis ages your immune cells to a degree similar to that of a daily smoking habit. To reach this conclusion, the researchers studied the effect of sugary sodas on human telomeres. At the very tip of each arm of the chromosome is where you'll find the telomere. Your telomeres shorten with time because they cannot replicate completely each time the cell divides. Hence, as you get older, your telomeres get shorter and shorter.They found that people who drank more sugary soda tended to have shorter telomeres. Drinking an 8-ounce daily serving of soda corresponded to 1.9 years of additional aging, and drinking a daily 20-ounce serving was linked to 4.6 more years of aging.

foot_kinesio, Dr Keefe,  Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


 CONDITION OF THE WEEK: FOOT PAIN can come from many different conditions. Fallen arches, bunions, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs and sciatica to name a few. We are proud to offer custom orthotics (arch supports) to help establish a better balance of the foot. Most of the conditions just named can be helped if not completely corrected with a good pair of custom orthotics. Sometimes adjusting the foot or Kinesio taping can bring great belief. But foot pain could be coming from the back and the chiropractic adjustment could make all the difference in the world.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


FUNNY BONE:   Getting Old- Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it. - The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for. - Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want to people to know "why" I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.  - How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? - When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra.


Visit our web site:

Courtesy of:

John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


 IN THE NEWS: L-CARNOSINE is a naturally occurring combination of two amino acids, alanine and histidine, that was discovered in Russia in the early 1900s. Most notably, there were a series of astonishing experiments done in Australia that proved that carnosine rejuvenates cells as they approach senescence (cells dying from old age).  Increase Cell Life But in terms of cell life, the increase was an astounding 300%. The cells transferred to the carnosine medium attained a life span of 413 days, compared to just 126 to 139 days for the control cells. Strong Antioxidant It's a great heavy-metal scavenger. Auto-Regulator L-carnosine benefits individuals through the remarkable ability to throttle down bodily processes that are in a state of excess, and to ramp up those that are under expressed. For example, carnosine thins the blood of people whose blood tends to clot too much and increases the clotting tendency in those with a low clotting index. Another example is that carnosine suppresses excess immune responses in those who have "hyper" immune systems (allergies, auto-immune disorders), whereas it stimulates the immune response in those with weakened immune systems - such as the aged. And carnosine even seems to have the ability to normalize brain wave functions.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


WELLNESS: SAMe EFFECTIVE FOR DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS A clinical trial published in August 2014 indicates that S-adenosyl methionine (SAMe) is effective in reducing the symptoms of depression in subjects with major depressive disorder (MDD). SAMe was superior to placebo from week one and was superior to escitalopram(Lexapro) during weeks two, four, and six in reducing symptoms of depression as measured by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. A 50% reduction in the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale occurred in 45% of the SAMe group, 31% in the escitalopram group, and 26% in the placebo group.

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


CONDITION OF THE WEEK: BRAIN FOG AND LACK OF CONCENTRATION one common cause for this condition is that the body is not detoxifying itself properly. When we talk about detoxification we’re talking about liver, kidney and colon function. Chiropractic adjustments can restore better function to these organs also cleaning up the diet and using targeted nutrition to open up the detox pathways can make a huge difference. This could also be due to a lack of sleep, and chiropractic care along with certain nutrients can improve a person’s sleep pattern. Subluxations at the base of the skull and blood sugar levels can also be a factor.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


FUNNY BONE : What's E.T. short for? Because he's only got little legs.---"I stand corrected," said the man in the orthopedic shoes.---- My grandad has the heart of a lion and a life time ban from the San Diego Zoo.---I went on a once in a lifetime holiday. Never again.

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Many Americans, at different seasons of the year, are plagued by symptoms of runny noses, watery eyes, congested glands, persistent coughs, and recurring upper respiratory infections, all due to allergic reactions.   Allergies can be simply defined as the body’s inappropriate response to certain substances, usually proteins (antigens).  These proteins can be ragweed, grass pollens, any plant substance found in the air, a particular food or a chemical that is ingested or inhaled.  These antigens can cause immune system responses, classically the congested, runny noses, watery eyes, congested sinuses and lungs; but allergic responses can also include depression, asthma, joint pain, diarrhea, constipation, and many other symptoms.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


We call these responses inappropriate because everyone will breathe in the ragweed or grass pollen, or eat certain foods, but only a certain percentage of the population will have reactions to these as antigens.  These reactions thus represent an inappropriate response to common substances.  In other words, the body interprets these common substances as invading organisms, and the immune system mounts a response as if it was being attacked.  However, the particular antigens usually do not cause any tissue damage under normal circumstances.  In fact, the damages (or symptoms that are produced within the body) are usually due to the body’s inappropriate immune system response to the substance.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


It is this inappropriate response that needs to be treated - and not just the symptoms of the allergies.  The standard medical approach to allergies is to suppress the symptoms with dangerous antihistamines, cortisone preparations, and other medications that are designed only to repress the body’s responses.  This method is one that I term a “COVER-UP” method.  It does not help a patient with his or her allergies; it only artificially  covers up the symptoms of these allergies.  The question that needs to be asked is, “Why do these people have inappropriate allergy responses?"

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

CALL KEEFE CLINIC 918-663-1111

The answer to this is:  the nervous system has an imbalance in the way it responds to certain proteins or other substances, and it is that response that must be corrected, not suppressed.
Below listed is the protocol which we have developed through trial and error over the years and with which we are currently  enjoying great success  at Keefe Clinic.

First of all, we understand that it is not the ragweed or any other antigen that is the problem, but it is the body’s response to it that is the problem.  Therefore, we look to the nervous system as the root cause, because the imbalance is within the nervous system, which then causes the abnormal reaction.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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1) The first area of treatment is that of homeopathy.  Homeopathy is a system based on the principle of “like cures like”.  In the case of the allergies, the substance that would be used would be the antigen (the pollen, ragweed, food, etc) that produces the improper symptoms.  This antigen is diluted several times to form a product that will help the body adjust its inappropriate reaction to become an appropriate reaction.  By giving this antigen in a diluted fashion, and by diluting it enough that it will not produce an allergy reaction by itself, a slight response is produced that will gradually desensitize the body to the offending substance.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


For instance, if you have an allergy to ragweed pollen, when you breathe it in, your immune system begins to fight the ragweed as if it was an invading bacteria or virus.  Thus, we would take ragweed pollen and dilute it down to a level where it will not cause that same immune response - indeed, at this level, it has been found that it will produce an opposite response.  In other words, it will re-calibrate the body in such a way that it will not react to this pollen as a foreign invader.  Over a period of time, by ingesting diluted antigens, the body will build up a resistance to this inappropriate response (allergic reaction). This strengthening of the body can lead to a permanent cure for this allergy.  The homeopathic treatment program is similar to the allergy injection program practiced in the United States.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


In fact, when an allergist gives an injection of diluted pollens, he is practicing a crude form of homeopathy.  We say "crude" because the homeopathic physicians developed this technique in Europe over a hundred years ago, and they used very precise dilutions.  We are very happy to be able to offer homeopathic Allergy Mixes in our office which can be customized to your particular allergies- especially because we feel this is quite superior to the often painful injection process used by medical allergists.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Allergy mixes are liquids given by mouth in small doses on a regular basis - easily administered even to very small children.  These custom-made mixes represent the antigens (environmental, in foods, and chemicals) to which you might be sensitive.  These particular products sometimes require changing in potency in order to effect a permanent cure.  Most people start out using a 6x potency, and most will develop a permanent cure with that potency alone.  But some patients require the changing of potencies as they progress through the treatment program.  The potency can go from a 6x dilution all the way up to a 500x dilution, or higher,  before some are desensitized totally to a particular antigen.  Thus it is essential that a patient keep us informed on how he or she is responding to the treatment program in order for the allergy mix to be adjusted as needed.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


2) The next approach in allergy work that we use is re-establishing a normal function of the nervous system in regard to these antigens.  For this we utilize Chiropractic care.  Chiropractic, of course, helps relieve nerve pressure and establishes normal nerve functioning within the body. Vertebra can lose their normal position and crowd the nerve root causing disruption of the normal control over the body.  Many disease processes have their start from subluxation complexes that were neglected because there was no pain and the person did not have his or her spine checked for problems.  Chiropractic adjustments are safe and effective for many of the most common health problems that we suffer.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


3) It has also been found that particular antigens will disrupt certain electrical-type circuits within the body. In acupuncture, these circuits are called meridians.  Several points which show less resistance to electrical current are found along the meridians, and these points can be mapped out by use of electronic machines that register skin resistance in the body.  It has been found that there are twelve meridians that are found on both sides of the body, as well as two meridians that are found along the center of the body, both in the front and in the back.  These meridians are associated with certain functions, organs, muscles and parts of the body.  Each meridian has a particular name, e.g., the kidney meridian (associated with certain parts of the body, including the kidneys).  There is a liver meridian, a heart meridian, etc.  These meridians are electrical circuits that tend to be associated with these key organs and muscles.  It is found that certain antigens will disrupt these electrical circuits in the body and produce the allergy response.  Through the acupuncture-allergy technique, we determine which circuits are disrupted by a particular antigen, and then by a proper stimulation of the key points within the meridian, as a particular antigen is being held or placed on the body, we cause the nervous system to re-adjust how it responds to that antigen.  In a few cases, this can produce almost instantaneous reversal of the allergy response in the body.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


This is a new technique, and promises to be a very effective way of re-programming the nervous system in its inappropriate response to antigens.  This treatment program can vary as to number of treatments required to produce a permanent cure, but a number of patients will respond within 1-6 treatments when we are dealing with a particular antigen.  Depending on the number of antigens with which we have to deal, we can schedule allergy acupuncture treatment sessions for each substance, as we determine the number of sessions we will have to do to develop a long-term cure for your allergies.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


4) Nutritional therapy is another important part of an over-all program. Weak organs are involved in allowing the body to have an allergic reaction.  Giving nutritional support to these weak organs will help a patient recover his health, and allow him to end the cycle of the chronic allergy sufferer who normally has episode after episode of allergy symptoms.  Through the use of properly selected products, the allergic system can be returned to normal function.  Remember:   allergies do not represent a normally functioning body.  Proper nutrition can be an effective tool in returning the body back to health in most health care problems.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


It is important to realize that the treatments I have outlined here are not done for the purpose of suppressing symptoms; they are not done to cover up your body’s response to the antigens.  They are done to re-adjust the body’s reaction to antigens back to normal.  These techniques are designed to develop a  CURE.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Not all allergies will respond as quickly in some patients as they do in others.  During the treatment program, symptom relief can be an important part of the overall treatment along with the corrective process. However, instead of utilizing strong, potent, and dangerous drugs to help relieve symptoms, we offer natural, herbal preparations and other natural products that can produce the same symptomatic relief without the negative drug effect that is seen in most over-the-counter and prescription medications used for allergies.  Thus, we do not overlook that need for symptom relief; however,  our goal is to correct the allergic response, not just to suppress it.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

We believe that each person is unique and that each patient's program must be individualized. Not all the techniques we have spelled out will be used with each patient. After a complete exam and history is taken, we will work out a treatment program that will be specifically designed for each patient's particular needs.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

For your sake, if you or someone you know suffer from allergies, seek a safe, effective solution to your problem; don’t just cover up the symptoms.  Seek a  natural solution to all of your health problems.

Give the Natural Approach to allergies a try!  Schedule an appointment at Keefe Clinic for Allergy Testing.  You may call 918/663-1111 to schedule. VISIT:


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Everyone knows about the flu and the flu vaccine. What people do not know is that flu vaccines are nearly useless in preventing flu, they will cause the flu, and they often result in nervous system damage that can take years for the body to repair. Other nations chuckle at Americans' infatuation with the flu vaccine. The joke would indeed be funny, if it weren't for the damaging effects caused by the vaccine.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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   The history of the flu vaccine reads like one stumbling fiasco after another. Take an example. Ever wonder how the particular viruses are chosen for next year's vaccine? The answer could be drawn from a 1930s film noir of Shanghai villainy. Scientists kill migrating ducks in Asia, culture the viruses and put those in next year's vaccine, because they have seen an association between bird and pig viruses and the following year's human flu epidemics. Perhaps this desperate guesswork is responsible for so many years when the flu vaccine's viruses had nothing in common with circulating viruses. According to a CDC report of the 1994-1995 flu season, 87 percent of type A influenza virus samples were not similar to the year's vaccine, and 76 percent of type B virus were not similar to the virus in that year's vaccine. During the 1992-1993 season, 84 percent of samples for the predominant type A virus were not similar to the virus in the vaccine.

Here is a list of the most common side effects of the flu vaccine as stated by the CDC - fever, fatigue, muscle aches, and headache. Sound familiar?

The primary targeted population for flu vaccine is the elderly, yet the vaccine is notoriously ineffective in preventing disease in that population. According to the CDC, the effectiveness of flu vaccine in preventing illness among elderly persons residing in nursing homes is 30-40 percent (CDC, 2001b). Other studies have shown an even lower efficacy of 0-36 percent (averaging 21 percent). The CDC proudly notes that for those elderly persons living outside of nursing homes, flu vaccine is 30-70 percent effective in preventing hospitalization for pneumonia and influenza. Yet the Department of Human and Health Services found that, with or without a flu shot, pneumonia and influenza hospitalization rates for the elderly are less than one percent during the influenza season. Regardless of vaccination status, 99 percent of the elderly recover from the flu without being hospitalized. The ineffectiveness of flu shots in the elderly led the CDC in 2000 to begin recommending the shots for all persons age 50 years and older. The rationale being that one third of Americans have a risk factor or chronic disease that puts them at risk of increased morbidity from the flu.

Annual flu vaccination is recommended for those individuals with asthma and other chronic respiratory and cardiovascular disorders. However, those people with impaired immune systems are the most likely to suffer adverse autoimmune reactions.


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    Children are the next frontier for the lucrative flu vaccine campaign. Vaccination is currently recommended for children over six months of age with high-risk medical conditions, but is not recommended for healthy children. Experts in the field suggest that parents of children age six months to two years "be informed that their children are at risk for serious complications of influenza, and allowed to make individual informed decisions regarding influenza immunization for their children" (Neuzil et al., 2001). This statement was made by Marie Griffin (and others), the same author who was implicated in the flawed study that supposedly exonerated the pertussis vaccine of nervous system damage. She is also a paid consultant to one of the world's largest vaccine manufacturers, Burroughs Wellcome. The children's market is the next big hope for vaccine campaigners. A 1998 working group began investigations to not only support, but also to "recommend" flu vaccine for young children. Research in the Journal of Virology found that the seasonal flu vaccine may weaken children's immune systems and increase their chances of getting sick from influenza viruses not included in the vaccine.

Research in the Journal of Virology found that the seasonal flu vaccine may weaken children's immune systems and increase their chances of getting sick from influenza viruses not included in the vaccine.

  The next big change in flu vaccines is the introduction of a live intranasal flu vaccine, a dose that is actually sprayed into the nose. This vaccine has already been tested on young children. Live intranasal vaccine was found 93 percent effective in preventing influenza in children age one to six years old (Belshe et al., 1998). Unanswered questions about the live vaccine include the possibility of transmitting other, more dangerous viruses through the vaccine, the possibility of enhanced replication of the attenuated virus in individuals with compromised immune systems, and the possibility of bacterial superinfection if the replicating live virus disrupts nasal membranes (Subbarao, 2000). This vaccine waits in the wings for its chance as the next big gun in the vaccine arsenal aimed at our children.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome

In 1976 the flu vaccine was dealt a near fatal blow when reports appeared that the vaccine caused Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), an autoimmune nervous system reaction characterized by unstable gait, loss of sensation, and loss of muscle control. A mass vaccination program was mounted that year by the US Government, and 45 million Americans received the swine flu vaccine. Statistical studies have confirmed a causal relationship between the vaccine and GBS. During that year the rate of GBS in Ohio was 13.3 per 1,000,000 in vaccine recipients compared to 2.6 per 1,000,000 in nonrecipients (Marks & Halpin, 1980). A follow-up study also showed a significantly increased incidence of GBS during the first 6 weeks following receipt of the vaccine in patients residing in two other states. The rate of GBS was 8.6 per million vaccinees in Michigan and 9.7 per million vaccinees in Minnesota (Safranek et al., 1991). This episode, which became known as the swine flu catastrophe, left doctors extremely reluctant to administer flu vaccine, and shattered the public trust in the flu vaccine campaign.

   The association between GBS and flu shots was not unique to the swine flu. Earlier reports had also summarized cases of nervous system disorders occurring soon after the flu vaccine (Flewett & Hoult, 1958; Horner, 1958). More recently, an increased risk for GBS occurring in patients during the six weeks following the flu vaccine was revealed in the 1992-1993 and the 1993-1994 flu seasons (Lasky et al., 1998).

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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One of the most bizarre twists on the flu vaccine saga is the CDC recommendation of 2001 that all pregnant women receive the vaccine in their second or third trimester. This recommendation even has doctors confused, since the vaccine remains a category C drug (unknown risk for pregnancy). No adequate studies have been conducted to monitor safety of the vaccine for mother and fetus. The only studies of adverse effects in pregnancy were conducted in the 1970s (Heinonen et al., 1973; Sumaya & Gibbs, 1979). Some flu vaccines still contain mercury as a preservative, despite a 1998 FDA instruction to remove mercury from all drugs. According to the CDC, two groups are most vulnerable to methylmercury¾the fetus and children ages 14 and younger. An article published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 1999 stated, "the greatest susceptibility to methylmercury neurotoxicity occurs during late gestation" (Grandjean et al., 1999). How did CDC committee members determine that flu vaccines were safe for pregnant women? They did not. The committee, despite its own recommendation, states, "additional data are needed to confirm the safety of vaccination during pregnancy" (CDC, 2001b).

ACCORDING TO HUGH FUDENBURG, MD - the world's leading immunogenetisit and 13th most quoted biologist of our time (nearly 850 papers in peer review journals) - If an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 - 1980 (the years of the study)  his/her chance of developing Alzheimer's Disease is 10 times greater than if they had 1, two or no shots. When asked why, Dr. Fudenberg stated that it is due to the mercury and aluminum buildup that is in EVERY flu shot (and in almost all childhood shots). The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction. ALZHEIMERS is now expected to QUADRUPLE.

Dr. Fudenberg's comments are from his speech at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington VA September, 1997. Alzheimers to quadruple statement is from the John's Hopkins Newsletter of November 1998.

British-Medical-JournalDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

BMJ News

Belief not science is behind flu jab promotion, new report says

BMJ 2012; 345 doi: (Published 19 November 2012)

Cite this as: BMJ 2012;345:e7856

Jeanne Lenzer Author Affiliations 1 New York

 An independent meta-analysis of vaccines against influenza has found that claims of benefit have been significantly exaggerated.

The report, released last month by the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, was based on a comprehensive review of data published from 1967 to 2012.1

Evidence for “consistent high-level protection is elusive,” the researchers concluded. Although vaccination was found to provide modest protection from infection in young healthy adults who rarely have complications of flu, the authors found that “evidence for protection in adults 65 years of age and older [who represent over 90% of deaths from flu] . . . is lacking.”

The authors also analyzed recommendations issued by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which provides expert advice to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and which are “often considered the standard of practice . . . around the globe.” The report cited 30 instances in which its advisory statements “did not apply current standards of scientific rigor . . . and did not cite relevant work.”

The report’s lead author, Michael Osterholm, a former CDC consultant and an

internationally recognized expert on flu, told the BMJ that a Dutch study cited by the CDC as evidence of vaccine efficacy was seriously flawed and constituted a “sales job.”

Nevertheless, Osterholm said, the current jab does offer some protection and should be used until a more effective vaccine can be developed.

Joseph Bresee, chief of the epidemiology and prevention branch in CDC’s Influenza Division, told the BMJ, “I do not agree that CDC has inflated the benefits of influenza vaccine.” He added that he agreed with Osterholm that until better vaccines were available the current ones should be recommended.

That recommendation, however, has come under fire from the authors of a Cochrane analysis that also found little to no benefit from flu vaccination.2 Tom Jefferson, lead author of several Cochrane reviews, told the BMJ, “Based on more than a decade of Cochrane reviews in adults, children, [the] elderly, and healthcare workers, there is no credible evidence that the inactivated vaccines have any effect other than saving on average half a working day in healthy adults and avoiding symptoms in those who least

need it: healthy adults and adolescents. Depending on the season, you need to immunize 33 to 99 adults to avoid one set of symptoms.”

Osterholm criticized the methods of the Cochrane analysis, saying that the reviewers’ inclusion of studies that used serology titers rather than reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction or cultures to diagnose flu meant that its results were highly inaccurate.

However, he acknowledged that the direction of bias caused by use of serology titers would be to make a vaccine seem far more effective than it was, a surprising bias for a meta-analysis that found no benefit for flu vaccines. The Cochrane reviewers also stated in their meta-analysis that the studies reviewed were “at high risk of bias.”

A growing number of healthcare facilities and states now require healthcare workers to be vaccinated against flu or face being fired or forced to wear masks and identification tags stating that they may be infectious.

A recent editorial in the journal of the Canadian Medical Association, CMAJ,

recommending mandatory flu jabs for healthcare staff triggered strong criticism, including a letter to the editor from Peter Doshi, a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University, and several Cochrane reviewers, who said that the recommendation was based on a misrepresentation of Cochrane data.3 4

Doshi opposes compulsory vaccination. He told the BMJ that health officials “risk losing credibility by continuing to promote the fiction that mandatory influenza vaccination policies are based on solid evidence. They are not, and it is time for healthcare institutions to do their own rigorous assessment of the evidence rather than continuing this dangerous game of follow the leader.”

Osterholm agreed that scientific evidence, not professional opinions, should guide policy. He told the BMJ, “I don’t think the data warrant mandated vaccine. If it was up to me, there are a hundred other things I’d mandate first, like mandating that sick healthcare workers don’t come to work. That is far more likely to be effective.”


Cite this as: BMJ 2012;345:e7856

Footnotes News: Bias alone could account for benefit attributed to flu vaccine, study

finds (2008;337:a1550, doi:10.1136/bmj.a1550); Observations: A jab in the dark

(2012;345:e5313, doi:10.1136/bmj.e5313)


1. ↵

Osterholm MT, Kelly NS, Manske JM, Ballering KS, Leighton TR, Moore KA. The

compelling need for game-changing influenza vaccines: an analysis of the influenza

vaccine enterprise and recommendations for the future. University of Minnesota Center

for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, Oct 2012.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

It is a scary thing to see your first born child sick, tied down to the bed, crying and scared.  Being in a hospital you assume they would know what to do.  That evening the doctor came by to explain that they didn’t know what to do and  left us alone with a desperately sick child.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

It was just a few months earlier that my mother hurt her back by falling on the ice and landing on the edge of the steps of our front porch.  After visiting the family medical doctor and being told there were no breaks or fractures, she was sent home with a bottle of pain pills.  They only made her sick and really didn't help with the pain.  A  friend hearing of the accident recommended chiropractic.  That was the best recommendation he could give.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

This was some 30 years before research proved chiropractic was the best treatment for back pain; a person in pain really doesn't care a lot about research, they just want to get well.  After chiropractic care, her back problem was completely resolved, and even after 25 plus years there has been no reoccurring pain even with weather changes as the medical doctor had promised.  He had explained to my parents how his mother had had a similar accident, and every time the weather changes she's taking pain pills.  If you don't fix an injury, over the years arthritis will set in and you'll have continual problems.  When you correct the problem, it tends not to bother you anymore.  If you just treat the symptoms of a problem time will allow the problem, to progress.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

With my mother's success with chiropractic and back pain, anybody I knew who had neck or back pain, I would be quick to tell them about chiropractic.  It wasn't long after that while I was going to Oral Roberts University on a partial trumpet scholarship that I woke up one morning with a facial paralysis.  What connection is there with your facial muscles and your spine?  I knew chiropractic was good for back pain but I didn't think about it when it came to a facial paralysis.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

My medical doctor said I had Bell's palsy, and explained how he had Bell's palsy when he was in his early 20s.  Now, in his late '50s the corner of his eye and corner of his mouth still drooped slightly.  His treatment for me was to wait six weeks and see if it went away.  I went to see the chiropractor.  To my surprise not only did he feel he might be able to help but he found a sore spot in my neck that I never knew I had.  In fact, I used to “pop”  my own neck probably 10 or 15 times a day, not that it hurt but I just felt tension build up.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

What I didn't know is that tension is the result  of a cervical subluxation  (vertebra out of place irritating the nerves). That had caused not only my chronic sinus problems but eventually my Bell's palsy.  Within a week of adjustments, my paralysis was gone.  Great, if I knew anybody with Bell's palsy or back pain I would tell them about chiropractic.  What I still did not know is that a chiropractic physician treats the whole body through the nervous system by spinal adjustments, diet, acupuncture and other natural methods.  That lack of understanding almost cost me my oldest son's life.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

As I began this story, my six-month old son was in the hospital fighting for his life.  As babies do from time to time, Brian developed diarrhea.  Only in his case after two different medications failed and he became dehydrated with a temperature, I had to rush him to the hospital.  I watched for four hours as they tried to put a needle in one of his blood vessels.  After four hours they asked me to leave, and they worked another two or three hours trying to find a large enough vessel to feed him by IV.  When I was allowed  back in the room Brian was tied to a hospital bed, his arms tied down, his legs tied down and a needle in his leg because they couldn't find a vein.  They told me I couldn't feed him anything but ice chips.  The ice chips went straight through him.  After the doctor told me there was nothing more they could do I watched my son getting worse.  After a day and a half I realized if I wanted to save my son’s life, I would have to do something completely different.  I called my chiropractor and explained the problem.  To my surprise he felt he might be able to help.  In order to get proper care I had to withdraw my son from a hospital.

Dr. Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor, neck pain, headache,

Then the miracle began.  Telling me what to feed him and having spinal adjustments,  I saw my son start to recover.  In a matter of days, he started to return to his normal self.  Chiropractic had done it again, and had released in my son that inborn ability to heal himself.  All this time my son could have been getting better.  In fact, when I was receiving treatments for my Bell's palsy, Brian's subluxations that caused the diarrhea could have been found and corrected weeks before.  Mothers listen, the birthing process can be stressful to a baby’s delicate spine.  A simple chiropractic adjustment could prevent a number of childhood diseases.  Even infantile colic responds best to chiropractic care.  Many mothers rave about chiropractic's ability to stop reoccurring ear infections.

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,

The power that made the body can heal the body.  When you think about life, it’s really amazing-one cell becoming a complete human being.  Within that one cell is the ability, power, and intelligence to construct a fully functioning human being with billions of cells.  In chiropractic we call that intelligence, innate intelligence.  This innate intelligence has the ability to heal the body.  In my son's case, this innate intelligence was blocked by subluxation.  When that subluxation (misalignment) was removed, his body started to function normally.  The normal state of the body is health.  If the body is not functioning normally, there could be some interference with the expression of the innate intelligence.  The simple fact of removing subluxations can cause profound changes within the body.  Chiropractic is not so much treatment for a certain condition as it is treatment for the body.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

 Chiropractic Physicians are concerned with the same issues that any type of physician would be-blood pressure, ears, eyes, nose, throat-all potential areas of investigation.  A short list of diagnostic tests chiropractic physicians might recommend include: blood work, EKG and lung function test.  Understanding what's going wrong can help us develop an overall treatment approach to help return your body back to normal function and health.  Nutritional therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy and bio-magnetics, along with chiropractic adjustments, exercise and diet are just a few of the tools a chiropractic physician might use.  Whereas drugs primarily treat the symptoms, the tools a chiropractic physician would use are focused on underlying dysfunction and the correction of that dysfunction.  Chiropractic physicians treat the cause not the symptoms.  There is a place for drug therapy and even surgery.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Chiropractic first, drugs second, surgery last.


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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

 IN THE NEWS: Mystery virus EV-D68 exploding among vaccinated children only The rapid explosion of mystery virus EV-D68 is sending hundreds of children to hospitals across Missouri, Colorado, Kansas, Utah and eight other states. "In Kansas City, about 475 children were recently treated at Children's Mercy Hospital, and at least 60 of them received intensive hospitalization," reports CNN. (1) Children who have been vaccinated with MMR vaccines, influenza vaccines, polio vaccines and many others are the same children who are now being struck by EV-D68. CNN goes on to report: “It’s worse in terms of scope of critically ill children who require intensive care. I would call it unprecedented. I've practiced for 30 years in pediatrics, and I've never seen anything quite like this," said Dr. Mary Anne Jackson, the hospital's division director for infectious diseases.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.WELLNESS: Are you deficient in thiamine? Here's what you need to know about Vitamin B1 Small amounts can be found in nearly all foods and many foods have substantial amounts of B1, yet an estimated 20% of Americans are found to be deficient in this extremely important and necessary vitamin. The reason? B1 is generally destroyed when a food is processed. B1 is one of the essential B vitamins that work in concert with other B vitamins to turn carbohydrates into glucose, providing energy for the body and brain. It is also necessary for manufacturing fats and metabolizing proteins. It is essential for the nervous system. It is also used in treatment for ulcerative colitis, heart disease, diabetic pain, AIDS, canker sores, vision problems, cataracts, glaucoma, motion sickness, and stress. Some athletes use it to improve performance.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

CONDITION OF THE WEEK: UPPER BACK PAIN the nerves from the upper and mid back are the ones that control and coordinate the heart, lungs, digestive system, kidney and adrenals. Pressure on those nerves can interfere with normal function of these organs. If these organs are under enough stress they will refer pain to the upper and mid back. If you’re having breathing problems or digestive problems or feeling stressed and retaining water you might need this area of your spine corrected with chiropractic adjustments. If you have upper and mid back pain your spine might be cutting off a normal nerve flow to these organs. If you or somebody you know suffers from upper back pain tell them about chiropractic.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,FUNNY BONE:A mother and a daughter are shopping in the mall, when the mother eyes an expensive fur coat. "This year," she says, "I think that I will buy my present instead of making you and dad shop for me." The daughter nods in agreement. "And I think this fur coat would be perfect too." The daughter protests, "But mom, some helpless, poor creature has to suffer so that you can have this." "Don't worry honey," says the mother, "your father won't get the bill for a couple of weeks."

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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

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blackberriesDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

WELLNESS:Health benefits of blackberries The berries are very low in calories. 100 g provide just 43 calories. Nonetheless, they are rich in soluble and insoluble fiber (100 g whole berries consist of 5.3 g or 14% RDA of fiber). Xylitol, a low-calorie sugar substitute in the fruit fiber, absorbs more slowly than glucose inside the gut, and thus does not cause rapid fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Blackberries compose significantly high amounts of antioxidant compounds that may have potential health benefits against cancer, aging, inflammation, and neurological diseases. Fresh berries are an excellent source of vitamin-C adequate levels of vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K (16% of RDA/100 g. Blackberries have an ORAC value (oxygen radical absorbance capacity, a measure of anti-oxidant strength) of about 5347µmol TE per 100 grams. Further, blackberries contain a good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium.

asthmaDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


IN THE NEWS: To cut asthma risk, get a fur blanket for baby, study suggests Newborns who sleep on animal fur in the first months of life aren't as likely to come down with asthma and allergies later in life, a new study suggests. Researchers aren't talking about snuggling up with a dog or cat—they mean, for example, a sheepskin rug or blanket, explains Time. The study is out of Germany, and such bedding was common there when the kids were born in the 1990s.Followup studies over the years found that those who slept on animal fur in their first three months of life had a 79% lower risk of developing asthma by the age of 6, and a 41% lower risk by the age of 10, reports Science World.

kinesio_tape_Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,

CONDITION OF THE WEEK: MUSCLE PAIN given the national disaster of drugs like muscle relaxers and pain pills, chiropractic offers elimination techniques for pain, not just masking. The dangers of addiction and death from painkillers is becoming a national disgrace. Chiropractic and natural healthcare offers effective elimination of the cause for muscle pain. Tell someone else about chiropractic, you might save a life.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,FUNNY BONE: "You May Be A Redneck If..." You list dogs as dependants on your tax forms. Your taxidermist also does your taxes. You've ever let your dog babysit your kids. Your security system is the latch on your screen door. Your financial planner told you to buy lottery tickets. You've ever left a bingo game in handcuffs. You've ever had a dream about beef jerky. You flush the toilet and the dog thinks you're giving him fresh water.

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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

 Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

IN THE NEWS: Low iron intake during pregnancy linked with autism For children whose mothers had low supplemental iron and other risk factors, researchers at the University of California, Davis found a five-fold greater risk of autism. In a new study from the UC Davis MIND Institute, researchers examined the relationship between maternal iron intake and having a child with autism-spectrum disorder. The five-fold greater risk of autism was associated with low iron intake— by way of supplements— if the mother was age 35 or older at the time of the child’s birth, or if she suffered from metabolic conditions such as obesity, hypertension or diabetes.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

WELLNESS:Fact or Myth: Do Hot Dogs Raise Your Risk of Cancer? Hot dogs. The quintessential American food. In fact, Americans consume an estimated 7 billion hot dogs a year. July 4th appears to be national hot dog day, with over 150 million consumed in the single 24-hour period. In 2009, the American Institute for Cancer Research issued a precedent-setting report. Basing their findings on 7000 scientific studies, researchers declared that for every 50 grams of processed meat—that’s just one hot dog—you increase your risk for developing colorectal cancer by 21%. Hot dogs pose such a great risk because they are loaded with carcinogenic ingredients. Of particular notoriety are nitrates and nitrites, two chemicals that, when heated, combine with amines to form nitrosamines, which have been proven to cause cancer.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.CONDITION OF THE WEEK: National Chiropractic Month American Chiropractic Association (ACA) has announced a national health care observance.Who do you know who is hurting? Who do you know that you have been trying to get started at Keefe Clinic? Now is the time to get your spouse, or child started on the road to good health.Complimentary DIAGNOSTIC WORK UP DURING OCTOBER Complimentary initial exam and one X-ray.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

FUNNY BONE :A German Shepherd went to the telegram office, took out a blank form, and wrote: "Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof." The clerk examined the paper and politely told the dog: "There are only nine words here. You could send another 'Woof' for the same price." "But," the dog replied, "that would make no sense at all."

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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

DIET: Factory Farm Model Fails Again—Produces Virus That Has Wiped Out 10 Percent of US Pig Population in One Year Did you know that over the past year, nearly 10 percent of the entire swine population in the US has been wiped out by a highly lethal virus? The virus, called Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv), has been—at least in part—traced back to pig's blood used in piglet feed. It appears this may be yet another example of the inherent dangers of the factory farm model, and why the "cannibal" solution, i.e. feeding animal parts back to the same species of animal tends to be a bad idea.

vaccines-thimersasolIN THE NEWS: Leading Vaccine Researcher and Mandatory Vaccination Proponent: Measles Vaccine Can't Prevent Outbreaks In the medical journal Vaccine, Dr. Gregory Poland, the journal's editor-in-chief, professor of medicine and founder and leader of Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group, recently made surprising public statements about the poor effectiveness of measles vaccine in the MMR shot.For starters, it's important to remember that, like B. pertussis whooping cough and other infectious diseases, measles has natural cyclical increases and decreases every few years in populations. These may occur even in highly vaccinated populations because the vaccine itself is not a guarantee of long lasting immunity and even two doses of MMR vaccine can fail to protect, according to Dr. Poland.

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,CONDITION OF THE WEEK: JAW PAIN: Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, (TMJ)Does it hurt when you chew, open wide to yawn or use your jaws? Do you have pain or soreness in your teeth? Do you find it difficult to open your mouth wide? Does your jaw ever get stuck/locked as you open it? If you answered "yes" to some of these questions, you may have a temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD. Chiropractic can help. If you or someone you know has this problem makes an appointment and start on the road to a pain free life.

 Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

FUNNY BONE:The Feminist A radical feminist is getting on a bus when, just in front of her, a man gets up from his seat. She thinks to herself, "Here's another man trying to keep up the customs of a patriarchal society by offering a poor, defenseless woman his seat," and she pushes him back onto the seat. A few minutes later, the man tries to get up again. She is insulted again and refuses to let him up. Finally, the man says, "Look, lady, you've got to let me get up. I'm two miles past my stop already."

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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

organic-farm-police-raidDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

IN THE NEWS: ARMED RAIDS AGAINST AMISH RAW-MILK FARMERS?One of the most glaring cases involves Wisconsin dairy farmer Vernon Hershberger, who was charged with four criminal misdemeanors for supplying a private buying club with raw milk and other fresh produce grown on his farm. State prosecutors tried to convict Hershberger for operating a retail food establishment, a dairy farm and a dairy plant without a license. However, since he only supplies food to paid members in a private buying club, he maintained that he was not subject to state food regulations. The trial has become a symbol for the war being waged against raw milk in the US, where aggressive regulators are attacking small farmers producing wholesome raw food products for loyal customers. Fortunately, the trial ended mostly favorably for Hershberger, but not before his peaceful farm was raided using military-style tactics (at one point he was subjected to three raids in a three-month period!). CDC data show there are about 412 confirmed cases of people getting ill from pasteurized milk each year, while only about 116 illnesses a year are linked to raw milk. Even as the CDC continues to report on raw milk dangers, the state of Arkansas has announced that no illnesses have been caused as a result of a recent increase in raw milk sales.

HornetSpitDrinkDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

WELLNESS: A SPORTS DRINK MADE OF ? There is now a sports drink made with - I kid you not - hornet spit. This particular invention derives from Japan – home OF many novel and offbeat inventions. When the Japanese giant hornet finds prey, it chews up the muscle tissue into a mash, creating a paste containing a fluid known as vespa amino acid mixture (VAAM) – thus, the name of the sports drink. According to the promoters, it’s this fluid that enables these giant orange killers to engage in intensive activities over extended periods, including flying up to 60 miles per day at speeds as fast as 25 mph. Even Usain Bolt couldn’t outrun these guys.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

CONDITION OF THE WEEK: SLEEP AND CHIROPRACTIC Last year, an international team of chiropractic researchers reported the case of a 3-year-old boy with disturbed sleep. He would snore loudly and have frequent episodes of breath-holding during the night. He would also wake up suddenly many times each night. The examining doctor of chiropractic found evidence of misalignment and restriction (subluxation) in the upper cervical (upper neck), mid-thoracic (between the shoulder blades), and lumbar (low back) portions of the spine. Gentle chiropractic adjustments were administered to correct these subluxations three times per week for three weeks, and then once the following week. After this month of chiropractic care, the mother reported that the boy no longer snored or had breath-holding episodes. He was sleeping through the night without any sudden awakening.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

FUNNY BONE:   I was on the street. This guy waved to me, and he came up to me and said, “I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.” And I said, “I am.”

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