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John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

IN THE NEWS:. Our body clocks cause wounds sustained at night to heal more slowly November 21, 2017 A new study has discovered how our body clocks cause wounds, such as cuts and burns, to heal approximately 60% faster if the injury happens during the day rather than at night. The study, published in Science Translational Medicine, is the first to show how our internal body clocks regulate wound healing by skin cells and optimize healing during the day. Our body clocks – or circadian rhythm – regulate nearly every cell in the human body, driving 24-hour cycles in many processes such as sleeping, hormone secretion and metabolism. Tests using skin cells – fibroblasts and keratinocytes – and also in mice showed that during the internal body clock’s ‘daytime’, wounds to the skin healed almost twice as efficiently as wounds incurred during the night. The researchers found that this effect was mirrored in humans with burns, by collaborating with clinicians and analyzing the records of 118 patients with burn injuries. The researchers found a key reason for this faster healing was that skin cells moved to the site of the wound to repair it much faster during the body clock’s daytime. “By taking these into account, not only could novel drug targets be identified, but also the effectiveness of established therapies might be increased through changing what time of day they are given.”


WELLNESS: Saccharomyces boulardii, or S. boulardii, is one type of probiotic out there. But there’s one major difference: it's not a type of bacteria. It's a yeast that happens to function like a probiotic in the body. For the past 30 or so years, doctors have recommended it to help patients with diarrhea. It helps to regulate the intestines and protect them from pathogens, including Clostridium difficile (c-diff), and other things that can damage the intestinal lining. It also modulates different parts of your immune system and keeps the intestinal barrier function up and running. Doctors have associated defects in the intestinal barrier function with different gastrointestinal diseases. S. boulardii can also help treat other ailments, such as lactose intolerance, and might even have a future in the treatment of acne, vaginal yeast infections, high cholesterol, fever blisters, and canker sores. It seems to improve the quality of life of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), as well as Crohn's disease. Some striking effects of the probiotic were seen.  Within weeks, obese and type 2 diabetic mice given S. boulardii exhibited reduced fatty liver, a 10% reduction in fat mass and body weight, and a 40 to 50% reduction in inflammatory markers. Furthermore, these improvements correlated with improvements to gastrointestinal tissue and several important changes in gut bacterial balance.  This remarkable study provides new insight into the effects of S. boulardii and further supports the idea that probiotics could help reduce the passage of inflammatory molecules in your gut (known and endotoxin) into you blood, causing inflammation, disrupting your metabolism and damaging your health.

CHIROPRACTIC: Chiropractic Can Help Asthma, COPD and More…A Study Shows Regular Chiropractic Visits Can Help! One study has discovered that another way to keep your lungs breathing easier is with regular chiropractic visits. In September of 2016, the Journal of Physical Therapy Science published a study involving 30 subjects between the ages of 20 and 38 who were not currently being treated for any type of respiratory issue, nor were they experiencing any pain in their thoracic region. One-half were randomly assigned to an experimental group, which is the group that received actual spinal manipulation therapy. The remainders were assigned to the control, receiving sham treatments instead. Findings: These findings suggests that chiropractic care likely plays a more important role in healthy lung function than most people realize. This information may be helpful to patients who are already experiencing chronic respiratory issues and looking for relief, but it may also work to reduce the likelihood of lung-related diseases in the first place. As the COPD Foundation states, generally speaking, “once lung function is gone, it is gone for good.” That’s why they recommend engaging in activities which can maximize lung capacity. These include: getting some type of regular exercise, performing physically demanding exercises during the times when it’s easier to breathe, and staying indoors when extreme temperatures are expected or pollution is high.

FUNNY BONE:  To avoid taking down my Christmas lights, I’m turning my house into an Italian restaurant.@@ Halloween is the beginning of the holiday shopping season. That’s for women. The beginning of the holiday shopping season for men is Christmas Eve.—David Letterman@@ What do Black Friday shoppers and the Thanksgiving turkey have in common? They know what it’s like to be stuffed and then jammed into a small place.@@ A mother gave her grown son two sweaters for Hanukkah. The next time he visited, he made sure to wear one. As he entered her home, instead of the expected smile, she frowned. “What’s the matter?” she asked. “You didn’t like the other one?”@@ Did you hear about the 2 silk worms in a race? It ended in a tie!@@Spraying graffiti inside an elevator is wrong on so many levels.


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Courtesy of:

John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

IN THE NEWS: “The Power of B Vitamins – What Could Your Life Look Like If You Had More?” Low levels of B vitamins are becoming more commonplace just as researchers discover exciting new benefits for this valuable family of nutrients. For the sake of your body and brain, You can take advantage of their new findings and, above all, make sure you’re not making these eating and supplement mistakes. Low levels of B vitamins can affect your body in many different ways because of the vitamins’ far-reaching and interrelated effects. A B vitamin complex deficiency can show up in multiple ways. Any one of these common symptoms could be a result of low levels of one or more B vitamins: Inability to sleep well. Fatigue and apathy. Mental “fog,” confusion, and forgetfulness. Mood swings and irritability. Gastrointestinal symptoms. Joint or muscle discomfort. Muscle weakness. Loss of muscle mass. Numbness or tingling in fingers and toes. Frequent bruising. Headaches. Irritability. Dry, cracking skin. Because the vitamin B complex is a group of eight major B vitamins that work together, you can impact their synergy just by running low on one. For example, many of the B complex vitamins are needed for healthy skin. If you’re low in one or two, that can affect the actions of the others. When you have a limited supply of B vitamins, your central nervous system can be the first to be affected. Omega-3 fatty acids are vitally important for your brain health, and now researchers are finding B vitamins to be valuable as well. All of the B vitamins are important for brain and nerve cells, but some stand out for their role in supporting memory, cognitive health, and brain performance:  vitamin B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin), and folate. Note: Vega testing can help us determine if you need extra B complex and which formula would be the best.

WELLNESS: Should You Microwave Your Underwear? Washing your clothes may present challenges you did not imagine, as detergents deposit toxic chemicals without killing bacteria, which means your machine is not sanitizing or cleaning your clothes like you may have believed. Although some research demonstrates using a microwave for five minutes on clean, damp undergarments may kill yeast and some bacteria, other considerations make your microwave oven a poor choice. There are several ways of reducing the potential you pass along bacteria or fungi from one piece of your clothing to the next without using dangerous toxins or opening yourself up to damage from microwave radiation. •Tumble dry Your dryer will kill bacteria and fungi on your clothing when dried for at least 30 minutes. •Wash your hands It’s important to wash your hands after transferring wet clothes laden with bacteria from the washing machine to the dryer in order to reduce the transfer of that bacteria to your nose or mouth, which may increase your risk of infection. •Wash your undergarments separately Keep your clothing with the most bacteria away from the rest of your laundry, especially the towels you use on your dishes. •Use an additive with your dirty laundry Adding 2 cups of 10 particles per million (ppm) of colloidal silver to the rinse cycle will infuse your clothing with silver, a natural antibacterial. •Clean the machine Clean your washing machine routinely to reduce the amount of bacteria waiting for your clothes in the machine. Consider cleaning the surface of the drum (where the clothes are washed) with white vinegar and baking soda. Next add an essential oil that has antibacterial properties, such as lemongrass, peppermint, eucalyptus, orange oils and palmarosa, to the machine and running it using hot water without a load of clothes.

CONDITION OF THE WEEK: So Really, How Bad is a Vertebral Subluxation? One of the most difficult concepts to get across to the public is the devastating effects of vertebral subluxation.  When there is a subluxation in your spine, your digestive system will not work at its full potential.  Your body cannot produce the exact quantity and quality of chemicals necessary to digest the food that you eat.  The food will not be absorbed into your body as it should because the cells involved in absorption are not working as they should because the food is not being broken down properly.  Those organs, tissues, and cells involved with changing absorbed foods into flesh and blood will not work properly without a good nerve supply.  When there is a subuxation in your spine, your immune system is not working as it should.  The organs and cells involved in keeping your resistant to viruses and bacteria are working at less than their potential.  When you are subluxated you cannot think as well, your coordination is lessened, energy levels are decreased.  A vertebral subluxation literally affects every part of your body because every part of your body in one way or another is dependent upon a properly functioning nerve system. A vertebral subluxation affects the entire body.  In this day and age when there are so many stresses upon the body, chemical, physical, and mental - we cannot afford to have an improperly functioning nerve system.  We cannot be sure about the quality of the water that we drink or the air that we breathe.  We cannot know for sure that our body is getting all the nutrients that we need from our food sources.  We cannot help being exposed to microorganisms, many of which are more powerful than ever because of their ability to adapt to attempts to destroy them with drugs.  We can do nothing about the genitic weaknesses that we inherited from our parents.  But by keeping our nerve system free of vertebral subluxation, we can be sure that any potential that we have will be expressed as well as possible.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

FUNNY BONE: Morris, an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical. A few days later, the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm. A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to Morris and said: "You're really doing great, aren't you?" Morris replied: "Just doing what you said, Doc. Get a hot mamma and be cheerful." The doctor said: "I didn't say that. I said, You've got a heart murmur - be careful."@@ An elderly gentleman had serious hearing problems for a number of years. He went to the doctor and the doctor was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed the gentleman to hear 100 %. The elderly gentleman went back in a month to the doctor and the doctor said: "Your hearing is perfect. Your family must be really pleased that you can hear again." The gentleman replied, "Oh, I haven't told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to their conversations. I've changed my will three times!"

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I don't keep up with drug sales let alone the actions and side effects of all the latest drugs. But I would think antacids must be making pharmaceutical companies literally billions of dollars each year. (The January 8, 2001 issue of Business Week mentions that Priolsec is the top selling prescription drug in the world. It earns Astra Zeneca (the drug’s maker) 6 billion dollars per year.)



Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


One of the reasons that antacids sell so well is that they stop the pain in 60-70% of the cases. (A recent online survey of over 4200 patients taking Priolosec.) If you're troubled with chronic acid reflux and you can take a pill and all the pain just disappears, it seems like you're doing the right thing, doesn't it? Before you answer that let me explain the digestive process and then ask you that question again.

Digestion is literally a miracle. All the different types of foods and yet your body knows the exact enzymes and the correct amount to properly breakdown each food to its simplest component. Complex carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars, proteins are broken down into their individual amino acids and fats and oils are reduced to their individual fatty acids. And then the process of properly absorbing these nutrients along with the vitamins, minerals and enzymes plus other things that were still learning about. If you eat different foods you get different kinds and amounts of enzymes to digest them.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


As you chew your food you help break it down for your stomach as well as blend it with saliva which helps start the whole process. As the food enters the stomach it starts to churn and release digestive enzymes. Hydrocloric acid (HCl) is one of the most important enzymes that the stomach releases. The amount of HCl that leaves the stomach with the food entering the small intestines stimulate fluids from the liver and gallbladder as well as enzymes from the pancreas to complete the digestive process. It is essential that the right amount of HCl enters the small intestines to begin a wavelike motion called peristalsis that help move the food throughout the intestines. If the level of HCl is less than ideal then every other step in the digestive process is compromised.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


It's like when you have a row of dominos stacked together and push the first one over a chain reaction happens. Without HCl the rest of the digestive process is severely compromised. If you don't produce the right amount of enzymes then you cannot breakdown your foods properly. If you don’t break your foods down properly you can not absorbe nutrients that your body requires. Studies of individuals who have used antacids over a long peiord of time find evidence of malnutrition. Doesn't that make sense? What do antacids do? They severely reduced if not completely block the release of HCl. Remember the chain of dominos.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


When you consistently reduced the amount of HCl that is released from your stomach that causes a series of changes in the lining of your stomach. A healthy stomach has a mucous lining that protects the stomach from its own acids. When the body senses that this coating has been reduced it automatically reduces the amount of HCl it secretes. As this happens the stomach will churn more to help break down the foods. After a series of processes, this increase of abnormal stomach contractions can force what little bit of HCl you produce up into the esophagus.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


This can cause a burning or painful sensation from your stomach up into the back of your throat. This is called acid reflux. This condition is rarely due to the overproduction of HCl. If this problem is not corrected over a lifetime the chronic inflammation to the cells can lead to cancer. But be forewarned, the chronic suppression of HCl with antacids will lead to incompletely digested food irritating your intestines and increasing your chance for colon cancer. Usually the mechanism I described above is leading to the inappropriate release of HCl into the esophagus. It is true eliminating the amount of HCl you produce will relieve symptoms. It's also true that these drugs will relieve you of the normal digestive process.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Now the main question is this- is the choice between symptom relieve with drugs or suffering pain with each meal? No! By properly correcting the dysfunction within the digestive system you can, not only restore proper function without drugs, you can also overcome your acid reflux.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


There are several principles to good digestion. Completely chewing your food, not combining proteins with sweet fruits, don't eat too quickly, eat foods that are consistent with your body and blood type, too much dairy with a meal could interfere with the digestive process and watch the junk food. Fiber helps move the food through your digestive system.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


A lot of time patients with digestive problems also notice that they have discomfort between the shoulder blades. Neurologically this is very significant. The nerves between the fourth thoracic and eight thoracic are some of the most important controlling nerves to your digestive system. If you carry nerve pressure in your upper back then your digestive system is most likely compromised. Now remember, you can have nerve pressure without back symptoms, though alot of patients with acid reflux know what I'm talking about when I talk about discomfort between their shoulder blades.

Dr. Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor, neck pain, headache,


B-vitamins are very important when it comes to digestion and because you can't store B-vitamins. A good percentage of patients with digestive problems also have deficiencies in some of their B-vitamins. We also use targeted nutritional formulas to help restore the normal lining of the stomach along with diet and Chiropractic adjustments.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


The care I just outlined for acid reflux is also extremely beneficial from most other digestive problems. Chiropractic care is the most effective treatment on the planet for digestive disorders. Most other approaches, even with gastroenterologists, focus primarily on symptom relieve and not correction.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Now let me ask you that question again and tell me if you might have a different answer. If you're troubled with chronic acid reflux and you can take a pill and all the pain just disappears, it seems like you're doing the right thing, doesn't it? Are you?


Courtesy of:

John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

 Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

IN THE NEWS: EVIDENCE ON TALC CANCER RISK DIFFERS FOR JURORS, RESEARCHERS CHICAGO –  A U.S. jury verdict linking regular use of Johnson & Johnson talcum powder to a woman's death from ovarian cancer has spurred new concern from consumers, but scientists say the evidence of real danger is inconclusive at best. Talcum powders are made of talc, a mineral comprised of bits of magnesium, silicon and oxygen that absorbs moisture. In its natural form, some talc contains asbestos, a known carcinogen. But all commercial products sold in the United States have been asbestos-free since the 1970s. Most of the concern has focused on whether long-term exposure to talc fibers might cause lung cancer among talc miners, and whether women who routinely applied talcum powder on their genitals had an increased risk of ovarian cancer, according to the American Cancer Society's website. Studies in talc miners exposed to talc containing asbestos have been mixed, but there is no increased lung cancer risk from asbestos-free talc products, the group says.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

WELLNESS: SIGHING IS ACTUALLY BENEFICIAL Your body sighs spontaneously every few minutes as a way to re-inflate your alveoli, the tiny sacs in your lungs. A sigh brings in twice the volume of air, which is the only way to pop open collapsed alveoli, which are the points where oxygen enters your bloodstream and carbon dioxide is removed. Frequent sighing is a sign of dysfunctional breathing, and relearning proper breathing may benefit your health.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

CHIROPRACTIC: DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS The nervous system controls digestive function from several different regions. Several studies have demonstrated the power of chiropractic adjustments restoring optimal function in individuals with digestive disturbances. In a published case study, a young woman had been afflicted with IBS symptoms once or twice a week for 5 years. After one adjustment she noticed an easing of symptoms and within a short time all her digestive problems disappeared. When the report was published 2 years later she was still symptom free. A 2008 study demonstrated how effective chiropractic care is for infants with digestive disturbances. Researchers chose three infants who were experiencing infrequent bowel movements from once a week to once every 3 or 4 days. Parents of these infants had tried several different laxatives and other procedures recommended by their medical staff. They had also followed specific dietary changes and the use of cod liver oil and mineral oil without any results. Do you know someone suffering from digestive problems, tell them about chiropractic.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,
FUNNY BONE: People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.@@ Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.@@ We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don't know.@@ Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.@@ How many people here have telekenetic powers? Raise my hand.





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Courtesy of:

John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111


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IN THE NEWS: Women Put an Average of 168 Chemicals on Their Bodies Daily Almost 13,000 chemicals are used in cosmetics, and only about 10 percent have been evaluated for safety. Although the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the authority to regulate harmful ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products, they don't often exercise it… The average US woman uses 12 personal care products a day, containing 168 different chemicals. While most men use fewer products, they’re still exposed to about 85 such chemicals daily. Women with higher levels of personal-care chemicals in their bodies experienced menopause two to four years earlier than women with lower levels. NOTE: DETOX ON A REGULAR BASISAND USE NATURAL COSMETICS.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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WELLNESS: For Lower Blood Pressure, Eat More of These If you want to protect your teens from high blood pressure as adults, ease off on salt restrictions and make sure they're getting enough potassium in their diets. The study, which was published in JAMA Pediatrics, found no evidence that higher intakes of salt had a negative effect on adolescent blood pressure. But girls who had high levels of potassium had lower blood pressure throughout adolescence than girls who were deficient in the mineral. Experts suggest an intake of 4,700 milligrams of potassium daily. Citrus fruits, bananas, potatoes, kale, and fish are rich sources of potassium.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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CHIROPRACTIC: HELP FOR CROHN’S DISEASE Crohn’s disease is an ongoing disorder that is associated with inflammation of the digestive tract, also referred to as the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It can affect any area of the GI tract, from the mouth to the anus, but is more commonly found in the end of the small bowel (ileum) and the beginning of the large intestine (colon). Chiropractic offers hope for patients suffering from this condition. Nerve irritation sometimes can be the source of the information, food allergies, a toxic colon and even autoimmune issues can give rise to Crohn’s disease. With a combination of chiropractic adjustments to remove the nerve irritation and detoxification along with targeted nutrition directed towards the immune system and/or the colon have been very successful. Tell someone about chiropractic.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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FUNNY BONES: Dairy Queen has announced plans to remove soda from its kids' menu. Raising the question: Isn't their entire menu a kids' menu? Seth Meyers @@@ A man and his wife are sitting in the living room and he says to her, "Just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state dependent on some machine. If that ever happens, just pull the plug."  "OK," says his wife as she gets up and unplugs the TV.




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Measuring stomach pH/function using pH paper

feeding tubeDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

The official way to measure stomach pH is to start with the stomach empty so only fluid remains in the stomach. Stomach fluid is removed through a tube that is inserted into the stomach through the esophagus (food pipe). Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


An easier way to approach this to get a “relative” stomach pH is to use pH paper to test your saliva. Normal saliva pH should be 6.4 as the pH of the stomach goes up and down the saliva will change in its pH as well.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

You can demonstrate this on yourself by checking your pH and then consuming a meal and recheck your pH over the next hour. You should notice that your pH becomes alkaline right away as the acid in the stomach is being diluted by the food. In most cases it takes 30 minutes to an hour before your pH returns to the pre-meal state. If it takes longer for your pH to return to normal that suggest a weakness in the digestive process. Even though this test doesn’t give you an exact stomach pH it will give you a functional pH significant enough to tell you how your digestive process is doing.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

To do proper pH testing on the body it’s important to have pH paper that is sensitive to subtle changes. The common pH paper that’s found in the drugstore is usually not sensitive enough to do proper body pH testing. Some papers only test every .5 in the pH scale you want to paper that tests every .2 in the pH scale. Your urine and saliva pH should be 6.4 under normal circumstances during the day. The exceptions to this is that your urine pH becomes concentrated overnight and tends to be more acid. And so if you want an accurate urine pH it’s best to check it sometime after your first morning void. Then the pH should be 6.4 any other time that you tested it unless you’re having an allergy reaction which would tend to make it more acidic.

Your saliva as we mentioned earlier will become more alkaline right after a meal. So the best time to check your saliva pH is either before you eat or more than an hour after you eat.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

By checking your saliva pH every 30 minutes after a meal can reveal subtle problems with the digestive process. If it takes more than an hour for your saliva pH to return to its pre-meal state then that suggest a weak digestive system.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

The problem in the digestive system causing your saliva pH to be off could be anywhere within the digestive track and so an evaluation is necessary to find the source of the problem. We recommend that if you start a meal at a pH 7 or higher that you take enzymes both before and after that meal. Most enzymes are best taken at the end of a meal unless their vegetable-based enzymes. The idea is that you want your digestive system to do as much as it can and then just supplement it to help improve a more thorough breakdown of your foods.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Undigested food is an irritant to your colon. This is why chronic use of antacids are so dangerous not only because they put undigested food which is an irritant to the lining of the colon but they also allow microorganisms that would normally be killed in the upper digestive track. HCl helps purify your food as well as breaking it down. So chronic use of antacids would deprive you of essential nutrients from the foods that you eat. And since minerals are metal they will be the first of the nutrients that you will start noticing deficiencies from. But other elements like B-12 are classically found low in people who use antacids chronically.

fda-logoDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


 “The FDA report cautions against high doses

or prolonged use of PPIs, because they’ve been

shown to increase the risk of infection, bone fractures and dementia.”

But the danger doesn’t stop there. All acid stopping drugs (not just PPIs) inhibit nutrient absorption, promote bacterial overgrowth,reduce resistance to infection and increase the risk of cancer and other serious diseases.”

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Your body pH, which is tested through the urine, can also be a factor affecting your digestive pH. It’s not uncommon to find both of these pHs to be extremely different and at opposite extremes. If your urine pH, body pH, becomes way too acid there can be a negative feedback loop that suppresses your stomach’s production of even more acid. So an attempt to correct your digestive pH you might have to utilize techniques to improve your body pH. Since most of our chronic diseases develop in an inflammatory chemistry having an acid urine can be a indicator of inflammatory chemistry.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Utilizing alkaline water or alkalizing foods can have a healing effect on an inflammatory chemistry. You can ask for a pH food list to help correct your body pH if it is too acid or to alkaline. If your urine is too acid then you need to eat more alkalizing foods which are listed on the handout.








diadensDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.



Our bodies, like the universe itself, are alive with electromagnetic forces. Life energy extends beyond the boundaries of our skin, as the latest research shows. By accessing the biological fields surrounding the human body and altering them in beneficial ways it is possible to treat diseases in a radical new way.

Welcome to “DiaDENS” a biofeedback pain eraser.

Today's advanced biofeedback systems are ultra-hi-tech scientifically produced instruments that use sophisticated biofeedback techniques employing a new type of "Virtual-Medicine" technology. The finest scientifically enhanced biofeedback devices turn out to be DENAS/DiaDENS (DENS) devices. DENAS and DiaDENS (DENS instruments) help you normalize your body voltage, advance your healing to help bring you good health

DENAS and DiaDENS are today's advanced versions of SCENAR®** biofeedback apparatus that were originally produced in the 70s by Russian medical organizations. They were initially designed and intended for cosmonauts' use.

It is Important to Note that in Russia today, DENS-Therapy is a part of the mainstream medicine and it is registered by the Russian Ministry of Health as an official independent method of treatment. It is taught in medical colleges as a separate discipline and may be pursued by students as a major professional specialization.

There is often no need to suffer from pain, soreness, out of balance body voltage, acute distension, distress, or almost any superficial infliction, illness, ailment, major pathology or physical disorder.  Painful arthritis and osteoporosis can be of the past for you.  Additionally, a DENAS or DiaDENS instrument can help alleviate conditions such as an aching backache, muscular pains, caused by overwork and  activity as well as many internal related pathologies.

When ordinary medical remedies which involve drugs or pharmaceutical  medicines fail you and cause new problems, it may be time for you to consider this new "space-age" solution.  Additionally, when you discover that pharmaceutical and so-called methods of prevention are not really helping to correct the cause of your ailment, you may want try a new and different method.   That "new method" is actually tried-and-true and proven effective throughout Europe, Australia and Russia.  That method is DENS-therapy.  DENS-therapy is really effective and may be an excellent solution to help you resolve problems with your health problems.  DENS-therapy provides a solution that is a hi-tech, "Star Trek" type of therapy, a much less invasive solution.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


The only thing you will feel is a slight sensation caused by the DENS device.  In short, properly using a DENS device may bring you wonderful relief and to a healthy state of strength, and wellness.

Biofeedback, via the DENAS and DiaDENS instruments, invokes your natural immune system.  The instrument, and your own physical biofeedback, instructs the apparatus to generate a signal that will be appropriate for dealing with your physical areas of distress.  As a result, your physical system will quickly provide normal spontaneous healing energy to help reduce, or eliminate, your painful infliction or hurt, and to begin natural healing.

                                           What to expect

 As the DiaDens is moved across an area of the body and it picks up an area that needs treatment there will be both be tonal alert as well as a sensation of “stickiness” along the skin. This is where the device will start delivering the necessary electrical frequencies to rebalance the body. This will not only have a pain elimination affect but will also stimulate a more balanced function to that area of the body. It is not only beneficial for pain but can also help function of the internal organs.

 The electrical frequencies that your body needs can be delivered directly from the unit or through pads placed on the body. The pain and symptom relief will have an accumulative effect. In other words if the first treatment caused a two-hour relief of symptoms then the second treatment could cause 4 to 6 hours of relief until the underlying problem has been completely resolved.

Very often after just a few moments of treatment, patients will sigh (called the “Diadens sigh” by experienced practitioners).

Sighing and yawning are known to be signs of emotional release. When emotional tension is released, the way a person breathes becomes deeper, more relaxed, and normalized.  So breath, emotions, and neuropeptides are closely related.

 Do you know someone in pain? Tell them about Keefe Clinic.















Courtesy of:

John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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 IN THE NEWS: CHILDREN THAT DRINK RAW MILK HAVE 41% LESS ASTHMA the JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY reported on August 29, 2011 that children who drank raw milk had a 41% reduced chance of developing asthma. The same children had a nearly 50% reduction in hayfever as well even when other relevant factors were considered. The large European study reported by REUTERS HEALTH earlier this month included survey results were parents answered detailed questions about their children’s milk consumption. 800 milk samples were collected from the households of those participating in the study. Researchers linked the protective effect of raw milk to the fragile whey protein BSA and alpha-lacto albumin which are destroyed by pasteurization.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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WELLNESS: CHOLESTROL FRIEND OR FOE? The advice to avoid cholesterol-rich foods and foods high in saturated fat has likely increased heart disease rates, as these nutrients are important for heart health. Cholesterol is one of the most important molecules in your body; indispensable for the building of cells and for producing stress and sex hormones, as well as vitamin D. Total cholesterol tells you virtually nothing about your heart disease risk. Only small dense LDL particles can potentially be a problem, as they can squeeze through the lining of your arteries. If they oxidize, they can cause damage and inflammation. An inflammatory chemistry is the cause of oxidation, eat anti-inflammatory foods.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

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CONDITION OF THE WEEK:COLON PROBLEMS due to the nature of our food supply, with highly processed foods loaded with chemicals, it's no wonder we have so many colon problems in our society. What you might not realize is when the lining of the colon gets damaged things get absorbed into the bloodstream that should normally be eliminated. This can cause allergies, skin problems, toxicity issues, immune disorders, sleep problems and fatigue. Restoring nerve control with chiropractic adjustments and establishing a healthier diet with targeted nutrients to help prepare the lining of the colon can eliminate most colon problems.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

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FUNNY BONE: Old Lawyer Friend A doctor vacationing on the Riviera met an old lawyer friend and asked him what he was doing there. The lawyer replied, “Remember that lousy real estate I bought? Well, it caught fire, so here I am with the fire insurance proceeds. What are you doing here?” The doctor replied, “Remember that lousy real estate I had in Mississippi? Well, the river overflowed, and here I am with the flood insurance proceeds.” The lawyer looked puzzled. “Gee,” he asked, how did you start the flood?”


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Courtesy of:

John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


WELLNESS: Fight for Raw Milk Heats Up in Wisconsin and Illinois Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamins, damages milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, kills beneficial bacteria, and actually promotes the growth of disease-causing pathogens. The Illinois Department of Public Health is presently pushing for burdensome and restrictive rules on raw milk sales that would affect producers with even just one cow or goat. Raw milk bans have nothing to do with public safety, and everything to do with controlling the dairy market and eliminating competitive threats. Three years ago, Wise Traditions published research by Dr. Ted Beals MD,which reveals that you are 35,000 times more likely to get sick from other foods (most of which are processed) than you are from raw milk. CDC estimates an annual average of more than 63,150 Americans acquire diarrhea caused by food contaminated with E. coli. On average, just five of those are attributed to drinking raw milk.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


IN THE NEWS: Low Selenium Levels Correlate with Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer The International Journal of Cancer recently published a study reporting that low selenium levels are associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the U. S., excluding skin cancers. It is estimated there will be 96,830 new cases of colon cancer and 40,000 new cases of rectal cancer in the U.S. for 2014. The investigators stated, "The findings indicate that selenium status is suboptimal in many and suggest an inverse association between colorectal cancer risk and higher serum selenium status, which is more evident in women." Lean meats, poultry, seafood, beans and peas, eggs, and nuts and seeds. Pork, beef, turkey, chicken, fish, shellfish, and eggs contain high amounts of selenium. Some beans and nuts, especially Brazil nuts, contain selenium.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


CONDITION OF THE WEEK:COLON PROBLEMS due to the nature of our food supply, with highly processed foods loaded with chemicals, it's no wonder we have so many colon problems in our society. What you might not realize is when the lining of the colon gets damaged things get absorbed into the bloodstream that should normally be eliminated. This can cause allergies, skin problems, toxicity issues, immune disorders, sleep problems and fatigue. Restoring nerve control with chiropractic adjustments and establishing a healthier diet with targeted nutrients to help prepare the lining of the colon can eliminate most colon problems.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


FUNNY BONE:Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today, it's called golf.

American Chiropractic Association (ACA) has announced a national health care observance

National Chiropractic Month



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The Sangre de Drago Slays Cancer The Natural Way

Did You Know…a South America tree contains a key cancer-fighting compound?

The Sangre de Drago tree (Croton lechleri) is a tall, narrow tree that grows primarily in the Upper Amazon region of Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia.

Known sometimes as Sangre de Grado or Sangre de Dragon, the tree is named in reference to “dragon’s blood”. This is due to the dark red resin that appears when the bark is sliced open. The sap of the Sangre de Drago–along with its bark–is used by indigenous people to accomplish a variety of healing functions, including…

      • To stop bleeding and seal and protect injuries
      • Healing stomach ulcers and hemorrhoids
      • Treating inflamed or infected gums
    • Relieving fevers and infections

Western researchers have confirmed many folk accounts of Sangre de Drago’s curative powers. Sangre de Drago

And now, scientists believe that the sap could have a potent effect on cancer. Preliminary studies indicate that this remarkable sap can actually kill cancer cells.

It Takes a Dragon to Slay Cancer

Sangre de Drago has 3 especially exciting cancer-slaying capacities: it can kill cancer cells…prevent tumor growth…and stop cell mutation.

In 2002, the Journal of Ethnopharmacology published a study conducted at Albany Medical College. The researchers there found that Sangre de Drago could induce “apoptosis,” or cell death.

Apoptosis is extremely valuable for potential cancer treatments, because tumor cells resist apoptosis and therefore live beyond what should be their programmed cell death. In this way, tumor cells can continue to multiply and invade the body.

The ability of tumor cells to resist apoptosis also plays a significant role in the way malignant cells become immune to certain cancer treatments.

Because of this and other impressive effects, the Albany research team recommended that Sangre de Drago be “evaluated further as a…source of anti-cancer agents“. More research into Sangre de Drago’s cancer-killing abilities is sure to be forthcoming!

The Tree that Cures All?

While cancer treatment research continues with Sangre de Drago, many natural health practitioners are already using this remarkable substance to treat a number of health conditions.

Dr. J.E. Williams, an international medical expert, is an enthusiastic fan of Sangre de Drago as a medicinal. He says the sap can combat the dangerous effects of diarrhea induced by prescription drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, microbial infections, travel-related exposure, viruses, and even AIDS.

“In addition,” he says, “the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects…make it a useful compound in the clinical treatment of chronic viral diseases and as a natural antibiotic agent.”

Diabetics may also have reason to celebrate this ancient remedy. Some health practitioners in the United States have recently had success in using Sangre de Drago internally to treat diabetic neuropathy–damage to nerves in the body as a result of high blood sugar levels from diabetes.

Sangre de Drago has been found to have a strong beneficial effect on nerve endings, nerve pain, and nerve inflammation.

Sangre de Drago is also used as an antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic topical treatment for skin. Not only does the plant stop bleeding, it’s also a potent healer for:

  • Cuts
  • Scrapes
  • Bites
  • Stings
  • Rashes
  • Skin and nail fungus

Professionals have reported that Sangre de Drago can heal skin ulcers and sores that were otherwise untreatable.

Best of all, the most serious side effect is totally harmless–just a minor staining from the plant’s red resin.

Read more:


Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


As we discuss inflammatory and anti-inflammatory foods we must understand the difference in body types. There were four body types that require slightly different blends of carbohydrates fat, and proteins. These can be divided into two basic groups one the high complex carbohydrate low-fat and the other being high-protein low carbohydrate. If you’re in a high complex carbohydrate low-fat group then foods like eggs, butter, salt, redmeat and some spices could be a problem. If you’re in the high protein low carb group than refined carbohydrates sugars grains could be a problem. So it’s important to know what body type you have as you review the following list of anti-inflammatory foods. Also any food that you’re allergic to can be pro-inflammatory even on the list of anti-inflammatory foods. For instance the nightshade family can be pro-inflammatory if you’re allergic to them. They include: potatoes (Solanum tuberosum), tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum), many species of sweet and hot peppers (all species of Capsicum, including Capsicum annum), and eggplant (Solanum melongena). Less well know, but equally genuine nightshade foods include ground cherries (all species of Physalis), tomatillos (Physallis ixocapra), garden huckleberry (Solanum melanocerasum), tamarillos (Cyphomandra betacea), pepinos (Solanum muricatum), and naranjillas (Solanum quitoense). Pimentos (also called pimientos) belong to the nightshade family, and usually come from the pepper plant Capsicum annum. Pimento cheese and pimento-stuffed olives are therefore examples of foods that should be classified as containing nightshade components. Although the sweet potato, whose scientific name is Ipomoea batatas, belongs to the same plant order as the nightshades (Polemoniales), it does not belong to the Solanaceae family found in this order, but to a different plant family called Convolvulaceae.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.



So as you read the list of anti-inflammatory foods keep in mind that your body type might preclude some of these foods as well as your food allergies.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.



Inflammation is one of the body's defense mechanisms. Inflammation results in increased blood flow in response to infection and certain chronic conditions. Symptoms of inflammation include redness, swelling, pain, and heat.

But when inflammation becomes uncontrolled then it becomes the soil for chronic disease. Besides foods, stress, obesity, toxicity and an acidic chemistry help produce uncontrolled inflammation in the body.

Diseases that arise from inflammatory chemistry can be the following: Autoimmune disorders, Obesity, allergies, Alzheimer's, anemia, ankylosing spondylitis, asthma, autism, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, celiac, Crohn's disease, congestive heart failure, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, eczema, fibromyalgia, fibrosis, gallbladder disease, Gerd, Guillain-Barré , Hashimoto's thyroiditis, heart attack, kidney failure, lupus, multiple sclerosis, neuropathy, pancreatitis, psoriasis, polymyalgia rheumatica, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, stroke, surgical complications, many other pain disorders.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.



Specifics vary from diet to diet, but in general anti-inflammatory diets suggest:

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. (Match with body type)
  • Minimize saturated and trans fats.
  • Eat a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish or fish oil supplements and walnuts.
  • Watch your intake of refined carbohydrates such as pasta and white rice.
  • Eat plenty of whole grains such as brown rice and bulgur wheat. (Match with body type)
  • Eat lean protein sources such as chicken; cut back on red meat and full-fat dairy foods. (Match with body type)
  • Avoid refined foods and processed foods.
  • Spice it up. Ginger, curry, and other spices can have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


  • Dark leafy greens
  • whole grains (Match with body type)
  • Extra-virgin olive oil,
  • Red wine
  • Tea,
  • Grass-fed beef, (Match with body type)
  • Oily fish
  • Cocoa, 70% pure cocoa
  • Cranberries,
  • Grapes
  • Walnuts,
  • Broccoli ,
  • basil,
  • chili peppers,
  • oregano,
  • parsley,
  • rosemary,
  • thyme,
  • turmeric
  • Nuts
  • Soy
  • Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Beets
  • Ginger
  • Garlic and onions
  • Tart cherries
  • Berries
Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.





Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


In November we covered a new study looking at the use of probiotics in treating depression. Today I ran across another article which shows significant benefits for IBS patients as well. This newest study is a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial which looked at the use of a multispecies probiotic supplement in patients with irritable bowel symptoms. A total of 49 patients were divided into two treatment groups. (25 received probiotics and 24 received only a placebo). Patients were surveyed on their symptoms and in addition, fecal microflora were analyzed in 34 patients (17 from each group) to determine if changes in intestinal flora were actually taking place following supplementation.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


The authors conclude that "Multispecies probiotics are effective in IBS patients and induce the alterations in the composition of intestinal microbiota." At the end of 4 weeks, 68% of the treatment group was reporting substantial relief in terms of pain/discomfort, bloating, stool frequency/consistency... nearly twice the percentage of the placebo group.

Navigating through lies, politics and profit in

an attempt to find better health.

 Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

"Don't count on milk to beat osteoporosis.
In a Harvard study of 78,000 nurses, drinking three or more glasses of milk per day did not reduce fractures at all. An Australian study showed the same thing.

Nearly 78,000 nurses participated in the 12-year milk and bone fracture study. MILK, DIETARY CALCIUM AND BONE FRACTURES The study found "no significant association" between teenage milk consumption and the risk of adult fractures. Data from the study indicate that frequent milk consumption and higher dietary calcium intakes in middle aged women do not provide protection against hip or forearm fractures. A SHOCKING AND UNEXPECTED REVELATION

a harvardDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.In the Harvard study, women consuming greater amounts of calcium from dairy foods had significantly INCREASED risks of hip fractures, while no increase in fracture risk was observed for the same levels of calcium from non-dairy sources.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Consumption of dairy products, particularly at age 20 years, was associated with an increased risk of hip fracture in old age. (“Case-Control Study of Risk Factors for Hip Fractures in the Elderly”. American Journal of Epidemiology. Vol. 139, No. 5, 1994).

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

And the 12 year long Harvard Nurses’ Health Study found that those who consumed the most calcium from dairy foods broke more bones than those who rarely drank milk. This is a broad study based on 77,761 women aged 34 through 59 years of age.

These data do not support the hypothesis that higher consumption of milk or other food sources of calcium by adult women protects against hip or forearm fractures.” (Source: Feskanich D, Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA. Milk, dietary calcium, and bone fractures in women: a 12-year prospective study. American Journal of Public Health. 1997).

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,Amy Lanou Ph.D., nutrition director for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington, D.C., who states that: “The countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are the ones where people drink the most milk and have the most calcium in their diets. The connection between calcium consumption and bone health is actually very weak, and the connection between dairy consumption and bone health is almost nonexistent.”


 Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

The best milk substitutes

A favorite milk substitute is unsweetened almond milk, not only because it is alkalizing (as almonds are), but also because it’s delicious and tastes very similar to milk. You can even cook with it!

If almond milk is hard to get, you can also try rice or soy milk

THERE is not a shred of evidence that upping calcium intake above a relatively low threshold, improves bone health or reduces the risk of bone fractures.


British-Medical-JournalDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.A study just published in the prestigious British Medical Journal hammers another nail into the coffin of the eat-more-calcium-for-stronger-bones myth, with the finding that women with the highest intake of calcium had a 19% higher risk of experiencing a hip fracture than those whose calcium intake was modest but adequate.

This study's strengths included: the large number of study subjects (over 60 000 Swedish women); the duration of follow-up (19 years); the fact that it was prospective (i.e. the participants were recruited before any of them had suffered a fracture) and calcium intake was repeatedly measured over the follow-up period, eliminating the problem of 'recall bias' -the tendency of people who have already suffered a disease, to overestimate their past exposure to risk factors for it - that plagues retrospective studies; and the statistical adjustment for various other factors that affect bone health and fracture risk, such as smoking, physical activity level, and whether the women had had children (which decreases fracture risk).

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.The researchers analyzed the participants' diet records, and divided them into 5 groups, from lowest to highest calcium intake. They found that women with the lowest calcium intake from foods and supplements (less than 750 mg per day) had an 18% higher risk of suffering any type of fracture, and a 29% greater risk of hip fracture, than women who consumed 882-996 mg of calcium per day (an amount easily achieved on an entirely plant-based diet, high in green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds).

However, women with the highest calcium intake (more than 1137 mg per day) had a 19% higher risk of suffering a hip fracture than those in the 882-996 mg/day group. Given that the Australian government now recommends a daily intake of 1300 mg of calcium for individuals over 50, and many older women are taking more than 1000 mg per day of calcium from supplements, above and beyond what they obtain through their diet, the findings from this carefully-conducted study must give serious pause for thought.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

According to Carolyn Dean, a medical and naturopathic doctor:

"I've heard statistics like a 700 percent rise in osteoporosis in a 10-year period, even while taking all this calcium. The myth that's been created about calcium is that we need twice as much calcium as we do magnesium. Most of the supplements reflect this. We've got a situation where people are taking 1,200 to 1,500 milligrams of calcium and maybe a few hundred milligrams of magnesium.

The 2:1 ratio—that was a mistake; a mistaken translation from French researcher Jean Durlach, who said never ever go beyond two parts calcium to one part magnesium in your food, water, or supplement intake combined."

Twelve green leafy vegetables were analyzed for their mineral contents. The following concentration ranges (in mg g−1 dry weight) were obtained for the elements determined: sodium, 0·11–0·76; potassium, 0·36–1·07; calcium, 0·24–0·73; phosphorus, 0·18–0·39; magnesium, 0·66–1·76; manganese, 0·03–0·12; iron, 0·35–0·56; zinc, 0·04–0·12. NOTE: 2-3x THE MAGNESIUM TO CALCIUM

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain, Over the years I've experience the power chiropractic in improving the health of both my own children and the children I've had the privilege to serve. We live in an ever increasingly dangerous healthcare system. The common use of toxic and dangerous drugs and the overuse and misuse of medication like antibiotics are having a serious deficit effect on the health of our kids. Today more and more kids go to school drugged by design. And it seems to be only getting worse.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,There is a simple glaring problem with this approach, drugs don't produce health. Drugs might modify symptoms, at a cost, but outside of crisis care their effects are temporary and their side effects can be long-term. Probably one of the drugs that have been abused the most is antibiotics. In a vast number of cases where antibiotics are prescribed, they are prescribed in violation of all the latest research concerning the appropriate use of antibiotics. Research shows that antibiotics don't work for colds or flu's, most conditions where there's a cough, most bronchitis or runny noses and most ear infections. Probably 70 to 80% of the time when these symptoms are presented the pediatrician or other doctor writes a prescription for antibiotics even though the doctor knows they are inappropriate. Why? When the doctor is interrogated afterwards they usually blame the parent for demanding it. The sad truth is most parents just want the appropriate care and since the medical doctor doesn't have any more training in how to address these issues without drugs (and drugs don't help conditions like these) then they feel impotent if they don't write some kind of prescription. Buyer beware!

 Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

The sad fact is that pharmaceutical companies have taken over the healthcare system and if you're not an informed consumer then you will line the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies and damage your kid's own health. Disease is not a drug deficiency, diseases is a deficiency within the body. Chiropractic physicians have the training to reestablish the body's own communication systems necessary to keep the system health. Chiropractic physicians have the training in diet, allergies, detox protocols and nutritional therapies to reestablish normal function of the systems of the body including the immune system. Antibiotics weaken the immune system. Even when antibiotics are needed to kill an aggressive bacterial infection their side effects can leave the person's immune system weaker and actually more prone to reoccurring infections. Chiropractic physicians have the training to help reverse the negative effects of antibiotics and to reestablish a stronger immune system.

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,

When it comes to preventing disease drugs are the worst approach you could take. Disease prevention is a lifestyle, diet and chiropractic centered strategy. Since science has proven overwhelmingly that disease is related to lifestyle and environment then that's where you need to work if you want to improve your child's health.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Unfortunately the food industry is not your friend. Virtually all the foods marketed to kids will wreak havoc with their health. Most of these foods are extremely high in refined carbohydrates which depress your child's immune system and develop the chemistry prone to disease. By simply feeding your kids natural foods: eggs, vegetables, fruits, meat, whole grains in moderation, seeds, nuts and some dairy in moderation you can establish a chemistry of health in your child. Junk food like most cereals, candies, refined grains in most noodles, pizzas, white bread, crackers etc. leads to a chemistry that is prone to disease. The fact that a lot of kids go through periods of time of “apparent health” is a miracle of the creation we call our bodies.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

One of the most important things you can do is make sure your kids drink enough clean water and stay away from pops, fruit juices and fake fruit drinks and fructose that come from highly refined corn syrup. Stevia is a great sugar substitute and can be used in a number of things to give it a sweet taste without disrupting your kids’ blood sugar handling system. Marked deviations in normal blood sugar levels will weaken the immune system and affect your kid's moods. A lot of kids suffer from focus issues at school, hyperactivity or moodiness simply because they don't get enough quality proteins to make neurotransmitters, because of the high sugar content of their diet they can't maintain normal blood sugar levels which can lead to depression and moodiness as the sugar drops.  Also their intestinal system suffers due to the amount of junk food they consume which disrupts the normal serotonin levels that the gut produces which in turn affects moods. Whole foods prevent all of these issues.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Chiropractic adjustments can have a dramatic effect on how the nervous system expresses emotions and that's why chiropractic care has helped so many kids whose schoolwork suffers from hyperactivity and attention deficit syndrome.

gain-muscle, Dr Keefe,  Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,

Studies show that chiropractic patients receiving regular chiropractic care have a much stronger immune system than the average public. And so if your child is not receiving chiropractic care you're not giving them the best chance to express their body’s potential when it comes to health as well as performance both physically and mentally.

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,

A chiropractic physician will not compromise your child's health by recommending dangerous and toxic substances. Health is a natural expression of life within the body. The chiropractic adjustment enhances the expression of life to all the cells of the body. Nutritional therapy, detoxification, homeopathic allergy treatments, homeopathic emotional treatment all work together to maximize your child's health.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

When's the last time your child had a chiropractic checkup?


Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.




5016 S 79th E Ave.

Tulsa OK 74145




This is your six-day special food program. For best results it must be followed exactly as written.

When an automobile is full of carbon, it has no pep.  It is clogged up.  You may put in the very best gas and oil, but the speed is not there.  The sensible and logical thing to do is to take the car to a mechanic and have the carbon cleaned out.  After that is done, what happens?  The car seems like new. There is plenty of power.

Your body is comparable to the car.  When the cells, of which you have many millions, are clogged up with ACID—SUGAR—MUCUS—PUS—etc-, you have no pep, your appetite is poor, you do not sleep well, your complexion is-bad, your eyes are dull, you suffer from aches and pains you are nervous and irritable, you feel indifferent—everything seems wrong.  Life is not so much fun as it once was; in fact, you are really ill.

The sensible and logical thing to do is to CLEAN OUT, not just your bowels, but also the cells.  Purge these cells—get all this accumulated toxic material out.  But how?

Well, that’s easy.  OBSERVE THIS SPECIAL FOOD PROGRAM.  It does it every time!  For six short days you will be on a FEAST—not a fast.  You will be filling your body with Nature’s life-giving foods—fruits and vegetables that contain all those precious vitamins and minerals.  When a sufficient amount of these live substances reaches the cells of your body, there will be a flushing and a cleansing such as you have never experienced before.  You will eliminate toxic material that has been with you for years—toxic material that has robbed you of your vitality.  When this gets all out, you will be like the car that has been cleaned of the carbon.  You will have plenty of energy—your complexion will undergo a marvelous transformation—you will feel like a baby—aches and pains will disappear -­your nerves will be at ease and you will feel so good that life will be a joy.

That is what this SPECIAL 6-DAY PROGRAM will do.  Follow directions carefully. When you start this program—STICK TO IT! Don’t try it 1 day and then quit! After this program, you are to ALWAYS have some fresh raw fruit or vegetables with every meal!


15 minutes before you are ready to eat breakfast, squeeze the JUICE of a lemon in a medium glass of hot water and drink it.

Orange or Grapefruit Juice ……………………   8 ounces. You can take more if you desire, but be sure that you take 8 ounces at least.

Cottage            Cottage Cheese ……………………………………..  5 level tablespoonful. No more or no less.

Fresh Fruit……………………………………….        One-half pound.  You may eat more, but be sure to eat at least,

(No bananas or avocados)                                             1 pound. - You can eat only 1 kind of fruit, or you may mix.


Coffee or Tea ………………………………….                 No coffee may be used.  Herb tea 1 cup if desired.

Between breakfast and lunch you should- drink all the FRUIT and VEGETABLE juice you can hold.  Also, eat fresh raw vegetables and fruit.  The more live food, you consume, the more thorough will be the cleansing.  If you can’t get the fresh juices, us the canned variety. Make up a lot of VEGETABLE BROTH (see recipe on back).  Drink lots of this broth, as it is full of minerals.  V-8 juice or vegetable juice from health food store can be substituted.


Vegetable Broth …………………………..  Drink two cups during the meal.


Salad                                                                                    Make a chopped salad of fresh raw vegetables.  Use a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice and salt.  Eat at least 8 LEVEL TABLESPOONSFUL, more if you desire.  Use four of the vegetables listed below: Artichokes, Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Celery, Dandelions, Endive, Egg Plant, Fresh Green Corn, Fresh Green Peas, Green Peppers, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Lotus, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Parsnips, Pumpkin, Radishes, Rutabagas, Salsify, Spinach, Squash, Swiss Chard, Tomatoes,

Turnips. (You may use the leaves or tops also.)


Dessert                                                     Fresh fruit with a little pure honey.

Coffee or Tea ………………………….                  Not at this meal.


Between lunch and dinner, drink all the fruit and vegetable juice you desire.  Eat all the fresh fruit and vegetables you want.  Fill up!  It's medicine for you.  REMEMBER: The purge comes from the vitamins and minerals in the food, so be sure to eat plenty.


Vegetable Broth ……Drink TWO CUPS during the meal, more if you desire.

Cooked Vegetables …………..                                  Select two or three of the different kinds listed above and cook them with butter.  Eat a generous helping of each. (No potatoes.)

Bread …………                                                       One medium slice WHOLE WHEAT bread with butter.

Dessert ………. Baked apple with cream or a salad of fresh fruits.  A little honey OK.

Coffee or Tea                                                        NOT at this meal.  And ... if you still feel hungry after dinner, eat fresh fruits and drink, fruit or vegetable juice ... ALL YOU WANT!


Take 7 carrots and 1 small bunch of celery and cut fine.  Place in 2 quarts hot water and boil for 15 minutes.  Add 1/3 bunch of parsley and a large handful of fresh spinach, cut fine.  Boil 10 minutes more.  Drain off the juice or broth.  Flavor with salt, onion, okra, tomatoes, green peppers or garlic. (You may save the vegetables and use for your cooked vegetables at dinner.)

The above recipe makes about 1 day's supply.  You can make more if desired, and keep in the refrigerator.  It can be used hot or cold.  The purpose of this broth is to FLUSH.  Drink lots of it during the six days.  It is full of minerals from the vegetables.  It is really a refreshing, soothing drink.  Enjoy!


 The first day you may feel slight discomfort by having changed your regular mode of eating, but do not allow this to disturb you, for it is natural.  About the 3rd or 4th day, the bowels and kidneys will begin to move freely.  Much toxic material will be passed.  There may be a few minor symptoms as the result of this cleansing.  This is quite natural and is to be expected. - About the 5th day, you will feel a surge of energy.  You will be surprised at your­self.  Your complexion will have cleared up -- your eyes will begin to brighten -- you will feel wonderfully CLEAN inside.  The little cells that were so full of toxins are now clean, and they will begin to cry out for other food.  Continue on until the end of the 6th day; then combine your meals so they are balanced. -- Then keep up eating much fresh, raw vegetables and fruit, and you will be motivated by your better health!

spinal-nerves-organs, Dr Keefe,  Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


VEGA testing is a simple biofeedback procedure.  Your nervous system is a highly sophisticated information retrieval and intelligent response output organ.  Your nervous system is a bio computer more sophisticated any computer made by man.  Part of the nervous system retrieves and analyzes information the other part responds to that information.

bio-resonance-kit, Dr Keefe,  Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


During the VEGA test your nervous system is exposed to several different substances that it either responds to or doesn't.  Probably the easiest way to explain this is if someone has an allergy to ragweed.  In an allergy test with VEGA testing we would expose the body to the vibratory rates of ragweed.  Because the body recognizes this as an allergen we would monitor a response.

Dr Keefe,  Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


This is an objective response that is repeatable.  We observe this response in the apparent change in arm or leg lengths.  The response of tapping the knee and observing the reflex extension of the lower leg is the exact same reflex we observe.  If you elicited the reflex at the knee with the leg straight you would observe a temporary shortening of that leg as the muscles contracted.  This biofeedback reflex mechanism is the basis we use for monitoring in VEGA testing.


 Dr. Reinhardt Voll, M.D, Dr Keefe,  Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


VEGA Testing is based on the phenomenon of “medicine testing” found by  Dr. Reinhardt Voll, M.D., a German  medical doctor, in his work with electrical acupuncture.  Dr. Helmut Schimmel, M.D., also of Germany, later  developed Dr. Voll’s work into a system of substance testing now known as VEGA  testing.

VEGA testing is based on the effect  of electrical resistance changes of the  skin on certain acupuncture points (low electrical resistance areas)  in  response to differing substances that are either beneficial or detrimental  to the body.

Dr Keefe,  Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


Dr. George Goodheart, D.C., U.S.A.,  discovered in the 1950’s that the muscles of the body, in the presence of certain substances, would either  become weaker or stronger.  This finding is part of a diagnostic system called "Applied Kinesiology". Based  on this phenomena, a simple arm or  leg check can monitor the body’s  response to any given substance.

Because this particular procedure is  more objective and can be performed  repetitively without fatiguing the body,  this is the system that we use.


VEGA testing is a multi-faceted diagnostic procedure.  It can be used to determine if a patient has an allergic tendency, and, if they do have allergies, what particular antigens they are allergic to. VEGA testing allows us to find the major organs that are under the most stress. It also helps to determine the level of stress of each organ or part of the body.  It can monitor the progress that a patient is making, without having to re-run expensive laboratory tests.

Dr Keefe,  Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


The VEGA test method allows for nutritional evaluation to determine if there are serious mineral or vitamin deficiencies, as well as food overloads, e.g., over-consumption of salts or sugars, proteins, etc.  VEGA testing also gives some information about the emotional status of a patient.  We can determine if the nervous system is being stressed by some strong deep emotions, and what possible remedies might be effective in helping the emotional processing.

The VEGA test method allows for determining what nutritional products or remedies might be effective in the treatment of certain conditions.  VEGA test method also allows for the determination of what is called, “Causal Chain”, or the domino effect that is taking place in the body. Most of the time when one organ malfunctions, it affects another organ, which affects another, etc.  To find the original, or most stressed organ, can be very important in understanding a patient’s particular health problems.

VEGA test method is a quick, easy method of developing an acupuncture diagnosis as to which meridians or electrical circuits within the body are malfunctioning.

acupuncture, Dr Keefe,  Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


When a patient is showing signs of an infection, VEGA testing allows for a quick evaluation to determine what is behind these acute symptoms - whether the source is a virus, bacteria, yeast overgrowth, food sensitivity, or an allergy response.

This method allows evaluation of the immune system, showing which organs in the immune system are under the most stress and need the most support.

earthingDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


We can determine also if a patient is suffering from geopathic stress.  This condition is due to radiations that might be influencing our health because of underground streams or mineral deposits or gases from underground; these can affect our bodies in subtle ways.

toxic_worldDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Through VEGA testing we can also tell if dental fillings are having an adverse effect on the body due to mercury leaching into the system.  It will indicate the presence of a toxic overload, and tell if that overload might be due simply to metabolic toxins, or if it is from heavy metals or insecticides that have entered through the environment’s food or water supply.

VEGA testing also can give us an idea of which areas of the body (which arteries, etc.) may be being affected by excessive cholesterol levels.


Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


 In the Vega test system the concept of bio-score, based on evaluating the body’s response to 21 ampules for  toxic load of the body,  relates to the level of over-all stress or disease within the body.  If we gave each organ that was malfunctioning a numerical value, then added them all up, that is the idea behind the bio-score.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


By having a score like this when starting therapy we can evaluate our treatment program any time we would like.  As the body heals itself the score will reflect this by going down.  If the score becomes fixed then a change in the treatment program becomes necessary.  The bio-score is based on the body's reaction to one or more diagnostic ampoules in a set of 21.  The more ampoules that the body reacts to, the more problems that  represents.    If you react to two ampoules, say number 10 and 21, then your score would be 21x2. If you reacted to 3, 10, 16, 21 then your score would be 21x4.  Knowing each number within your score is not important, just your top number and how  many, tell the story.  In those two examples, 21x2 would be better than 21x4.  The following tells what to expect with different readings:







We invite you to contact our office to schedule VEGA testing 918-663-1111.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,



Kefir (pronounced /ke’fier/ ke-FEER) (or alternatively kefi-rs, keefir, kephir, kewra, talai, mudu kekiya, milk kefir, búlgaros) is a fermented milk drink.

The composition of kefir depends greatly on the type of milk that was fermented, including the concentration of vitamin B12. During the fermentation, changes in composition of nutrients and other ingredients have also been shown to occur. Research has shown, however, that lactose maldigestors are able to tolerate kefir, providing the number of live bacteria present in this beverage consumed is high enough. It is believed that the bacteria in the kefir or yoghurt matrix are protected by the buffering effect of the yoghurt. It has also been shown that fermented milk products have a slower transit time than milk, which may further improve lactose digestion.

There are many benefits that may be gained from regularly drinking kefir

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

We have compiled information, gathered from scientific papers and studies, on benefits that may be enjoyed from regularly drinking kefir.  Of course, we are all different, and it is worth noting that the effects of drinking kefir will vary from person to person.  Some people drink kefir for health benefits - and others just because they like it. Kefir is not medicine, it a natural food with healing potential.  If you have any concerns about drinking kefir, we recommend you check with your GP first.

Kefir is a 100% natural probiotic

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Everytime you drink a glass of kefir you are encouraging 'good' bacteria to flourish in your intestines.  The probiotics in Kefir are special, because they evolve naturally during the fermentation process and some of these types of probiotics are only found in traditional kefir.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

People with gastro-intestinal health conditions such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or Crohn's who regularly drink kefir as part of their diet, can benefit from a reduction of typical symptoms and feel much better.  Noticable results include a normal bowel function - especially helpful to stop diarrhoea, reduce wind and painful bloating (often caused by bad bacteria in the gut).  Visit the section on probitoics for more information or see our testimonials page.

Increased vitamin and mineral intake

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Fermentation of milk with the living kefir grains enhances its nutritional value increasing amounts of B vitamins, and important fat soluable vitamins A, D, E and K and folic acid. Nourish Kefir is a good source of the valuable minerals calcium, phosphorus and magnesium - which are easily absorbed into the body. Noticeable results include an increase in energy, stronger nails, good skin and shiny, stronger hair.

Improved Digestion

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.Kefir is easy to digest because the proteins, fats and lactose in the milk are transformed into smaller molecules during fermentation, that the body can easily absorb and utilise.  Milk proteins in kefir are broken down into a more basic structure of amino acids.  Acidic milk speeds up the secretion of digestive juices and encourages the metabolism to work more efficiently, reducing the effects of indigestion and improving digestion of other foods when taken at the same time.  Fermentation gives a release of CO2 into the milk which is good for digestion.  You may notice a slight effervesence when you open a bottle - that's the CO2 and is completely normal.

Digestibility of lactose in kefir

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.Lactose in the kefir milk is transformed during fermentation into smaller molecules: glucose and galactose.  Although there may still be some lactose present in the milk, it is reduced.

Cancer prevention and tumor reduction

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Results of laboratory tests on mice have shown that traditional kefir helped to prevent cancer of the colon, and reduce tumour growth where cancer is already present in the colon. Similar results were obtained regarding tests for tumour reduction in breast and liver cancers, as well as prevention of prostrate cancer.  Although there have not been any clinical trials in the UK or USA, we hope that this will eventually happen to prove the true extent of the healing power of traditional kefir, that it may benefit others.

Cholesterol reduction

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

The cholesterol in milk fats is relatively low.  Kefir contains 12mg of cholesterol per 100 ml (in a drink with 3.5% fat content).  The microorganisms in kefir break down the fats in the milk, making them easier to digest.  Recent research suggests that certain probiotic lacto bacteria present in kefir may actually help to lower cholesterol; by attaching themselves to cholesterol cells and eliminating them from the body.

Antioxidant and Immune System

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Kefir contains antioxidants that protect cells from illness and ageing affects.  Scientists believe that these antioxidants are the link to the longevity of the people from the Caucasus, who first drank kefir, and among whom were many centenarians.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Anolyte Water (Nixall) is produced by electrolyzing salt water in the anode chamber of an electrolytic cell.

 Efficacy of Anolyte

Efficacy (the capacity to produce an effect) studies performed with “near neutral” anolyte have shown that anolyte is up to 100 times more efficient against bacteria than bleach and testing performed by the U.S. Marine Corps confirmed that anthrax spores were killed immediately upon contact with anolyte.

Dr. Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor, neck pain, headache,

Anolyte has been proven effective against a broad range of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, mycobacterium, viruses, yeasts, molds and spores. The method of killing unwanted microorganisms is accomplished through the physical destruction of the cell structure, bursting the cell’s membrane and disrupting the cell’s DNA. This type of lethal cell action does not allow the microorganisms to become “adaptive” to anolyte, forming resistant strains which can survive treatment. The same cannot be said for bleach and other traditional chemical biocides

 Dr. Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor, neck pain, headache,

Antibiotic soaps  increase the risk

for antibiotic resistant organisms

called superbugs.

Nixall  is safe anolytic water


At 100 ppm (OCT) you can dilute 10 parts water and 1 part Nixall to use. At 200 ppm (Cleanser) dilute 50/50 then 10 to 1. Can be used without diluting. It’s perfect  for wound healing, minor cuts, burns, abrasions, irritation. Can be used for general disinfecting around the house and safe enough to spray in the eyes or down your throat with suspected bacterial infection. Can be used on all types of surfaces and actually helps oxygenate plants.

 Dr. Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor, neck pain, headache,

On the basis of the antimicrobial activity and the lack of animal toxicity, it is predicted that stabilized HOCl has potential pharmaceutical applications in the control of soft tissue infection.   journal of  burns and wounds  v.6; 2007 

bacteria2, Dr. Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor, neck pain, headache,

Hypochlorous Acid Water – Kills Hospital Bacteria Artificial Organs 2004 Jun:28 (6):590-2 Vorobjeva NV, Vorobjeva LI, Khodjaev EY.

The study is designed to investigate bactericidal actions of electrolyzed oxidizing water on hospital infections. Ten (10) of the most common opportunistic pathogens are used for this study. Cultures are inoculated in 4.5 mL of electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water or 4.5 mL of sterile deionized water (control), and incubated for 0, 0.5, and 5 min at room temperature. At the exposure time of 30 seconds the EO water completely inactivates all of the bacterial strains, with the exception of vegetative cells and spores of bacilli which need 5 min to be killed.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Composition of Anolyte
Anolyte (Nixall) produced from 7 g/l sodium chloride solution contains 99.3% water, with the remaining 0.7% of the solution being sodium chloride salt.

Anolyte generated at a near neutral pH contains mostly hypochlorous acid (92%). Anolyte achieves its efficacy against unwanted microorganisms with as little .01% hypochlorous acid.

 Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Electro Activation could be one of
the most important discoveries in years

Dr. V Turovetsky Ph. D., University of Moscow, Department of Biophysics published a study 2002 on Cell Survivability and Intracellular Ph, in his report he gives an explanation of the properties of Anolyte. In his report he stated that the immune system, in particular Macrophage, which are white blood cells, showed increase activity after exposure to the Anolyte solution. This increased immune response was a result of the Anolyte solutions ability to change intracellular physiology, the changes included accelerated hydration, increased Ph, decreased cell membrane damage and an increase in intracellular oxidative redox potential ORP.

This is important to good health!

Here are the benefits of Activated water for the human body:

  • Improves digestion
  • Expels toxins
  • Reduces pulse rates
  • An anti-oxidant
  • Neutralizes free radicals
  • Enhances the immune system
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Decreases tiredness
  • Improves concentration and alertness
  • Helps relieve headaches
  • Increases stamina
  • Promotes growth of beneficial aerobic bacteria

Electro Activated cell water affects the basic core of cell biology. Clinically, is has been found that this water is capable of restoring function in the cells of the body. Activated water helps eliminate deeply held toxins such as heavy metals, drugs, chemicals, food toxins, medications and more. Users are reporting powerful health benefits from a very wide variety of health problems. They report increased energy, a greater sense of well being, overall detoxification, decreased cravings for junk food, more stable sleep patterns, improved hair, skin, nails and many other health complaints being alleviated. All water is not created equal. Activated water has the ability to penetrate every cell and tissue, hydrating the body in a way that isn’t experienced with any other type of water product.

 Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

Effects of a low concentration hypochlorous Acid nasal irrigation solution on bacteria, fungi, and virus.

Kim HJ, Lee JG, Kang JW, Cho HJ, Kim HS, Byeon HK, Yoon JH.
Source: Department of Medicine Graduate School, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.


Saline irrigation would be more effective for chronic sinusitis patients if it had bactericidal effects. Low concentrations of hypochlorous acid (active ingredant in anolyte water) may be used as a nasal irrigation solution.

First, we developed a 0.85% NaCl solution by adding NaCl to tap water (pH 7.0 and 8.4) and measuring the concentration of free chlorine and hypochlorous acid after giving the solution a short electrical impulse of 20 seconds. Then we investigated whether the derived hypochlorous acid had a toxic effect on human primary nasal epithelial cells, if and what effect it had on the expression of mucin genes, and, finally, if it had bactericidal, fungicidal, or virucidal effects.
STUDY DESIGN: In vitro biochemical experiment.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.
We treated human primary nasal epithelial cells with 3.5 ppm of hypochlorous acid and then examined the cells for cytotoxicity. We also investigated the bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal effects by challenging the cells with the following microorganisms Aspergillus fumigatus, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Rhizopus oryzae, Candida albicans, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Streptococcus pyogenes. To study the virucidal effects of HOCl, we used the human influenza A virus to challenge the cells.

In the cytotoxicity assay and in the morphological examination, the cells did not show anytoxicity at 30 minute or 2 hours after treatment with HOCl. More than 99% of bactericidal or fungicidal activity was noted for all species, except for Candida albicans, in tap water at either pH 7.0 or 8.4. In addition, a 3.2-log10 reduction was achieved in cells challenged with the human influenza A virus.
CONCLUSIONS: A low concentration HOCl solution can be used as an effective nasal irrigation solution.

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,Anolyte In Animal Agriculture

Electrochemically-Activated Anolyte water has been extensively tested
Electrochemically-Activated water (Anolyte) has been tested in over 300 agriculture applications in Europe and Canada.

In 98% of all farms tested with Anolyte (through animal consumption and spraying) results have shown a reduction in death rates, a reduction in antibiotics and other medicine and a reduction in livestock stress levels.

Anolyte water is the best way to protect you and your animals’ health.

  • Improved feed conversion
  • Improved disease control
  • Reduced medical cost
  • Reduced mortality rate
  • Increased conception

Pathogens that ‘Anolyte’ Controls

  • Avian influenza
  • Escheria coli (e-coli)
  • Fusarium wilt
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Serratia marcencens
  • Staphylococcus epidermis
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Staphylococcus zooepidemicus
  • Pig cough, Micro plaza, APP, and other common ailments found in the high volume swine industry.
  • Other viruses too numerous to list

Applications --Anolyte is required any where clean water is a necessity!

  • Silage inoculation
  • Parlor cleaning
  • Parlor line cleaning
  • Barn disinfecting
  • Foot bath treatment
  • Water line de-scaling
  • Water purification
  • Natural chloride
  • Iron removal
  • Magnesium removal
  • Heavy metal removal
  • Water tank cleaning

Unsurpassed disinfection and sterilization results

  • Increases immune function
  • Increases resistance to infections
  • Residue free treatment of mastitis, diarrhoea, scours, & crypto
  • Better feedstuff utilisation due to better immune function reduced stress

Electrochemically-Activated Water ‘Anolyte’ positively affects the basic core of cell biology.


Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


New research has shown the connection between stomach and intestinal issues with depression and anxiety and a sense of well-being.



THE INTESTINAL MUCOSA is covered by a mucus gel layer that plays important physiological roles including lubrication, protection against colonization by pathogenic bacteria and their toxins, protection against luminal proteases arising from bacterial and mucosal cells, and constitution of a diffusion barrier for small molecules

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


Colonic mucus cells are located in the vicinity of enteric nerves, enteroendocrine cells, and resident immune cells, which suggests a potential role of neurotransmitters, hormonal peptides of the large bowel, and inflammatory mediators.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,


The Brain-Gut Connection

- Every known neurotransmitter present in the brain is present in the gut

- The gut is the most 'nervous' organ in the body or is that nervy? It's got a lot of innervation!

- The gut has independent mechanisms from the brain to regulate actions [enteric nervous system ENS]

New research has shone the connection between the stomach and intestinal issues with depression and anxiety as well as a sense of well-being.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


95% of your serotonin is made in the intestines.  Both anxiety and depression as well as sleep disorders can be related to low serotonin levels.  Serotonin is just one of many neurotransmitters that are important in a person's overall sense of well-being.

Nerves have a language similar to speech. The alphabet of this language is the neurotransmitter. The location and amount of neurotransmitters secreted are the language spoken to the brain. Our nerves learn the language by repetitive stimulation.

prostate-cancer-Dr. Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor, neck pain, headache,



Neurotransmitters send signals throughout the nervous system.  We used to think these chemicals, such as dopamine and serotonin, resided in the brain at the end of nerve cells.  We now know that they can be found in many other organs--the heart, the gut, the immune system--and that they can diffuse out into the tissues and the blood.  This is why so much of what happens to us shows up in many different parts of the body; why depression, associated with low serotonin levels in the brain, also causes decreased immune function and decreased bowel function, and why anti-depressants can have gastrointestinal side effects.

The Second Brain



- The GI tract 'is' a second brain which is somewhat independent of, but interaction with, the brain in the cranium

- Independent of guidance from the head, the gut can secrete, contract and respond to stimuli such as distention.

- Communication is a two-way street up and down from brain to gut

Unknown to most people, we actually have two physical brains. You're intimately familiar with the brain encased in your skull. But did you know you also have a second brain in your gut?

Actually, over one half of your nerve cells are located in your gut.

Dr Keefe,  Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


And you may be even more surprised to learn that your second "gut brain" contains neurons and neurotransmitters just like those found in your skull.

Plus here's something that may come as even more of a shock! Just like your primary brain, your "gut brain" is also able to learn, remember, and produce emotion-based feelings.

The expression "gut-level feeling" isn't just a "saying." We really do have feelings in our gut.

Our two brains communicate back and forth via a major nerve trunk extending down from the base of your brain all the way down into your abdomen. Because of this, your two brains directly influence each other.

When one brain becomes upset, the other joins right in.

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


That's why your stomach might get "fluttery" because of anxiety before an important meeting. Or why a late night spicy snack that's hard on your stomach might also give you some nasty nightmares.

In "The Second Brain," Dr. Michael Gershon, a professor at New York City's Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, refers to the entire gastrointestinal system as "the body's second nervous system."

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


"The brain is not the only place in the body that's full of neurotransmitters," Dr. Gershon explains. "One hundred million neurotransmitters line the length of the gut -- approximately the same number found in the brain."

Actually, the total of nerve cells in your gut is greater than the total nerves connecting the rest your body to your brain. This complex circuitry allows your "gut brain" to act totally independent of the brain in your skull.

It is no surprise that there is a direct relationship between emotional stress and physical distress. "Clinicians are finally acknowledging that a lot of dysfunction in GI disorders involves changes in the central nervous system," said Gary Mawe, a professor of anatomy and neurobiology at the University of Vermont.

The big question is which comes first, physiology or psychology?

The enteric (GUT) and central nervous systems use the same hardware, as it were, to run two very different programs. Serotonin, for instance, is crucial to feelings of well-being.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


But 95 percent of the body's serotonin is housed in the gut, where it acts as a neurotransmitter and a signaling mechanism. The digestive process begins when a specialized cell, an enterochromaffin, squirts serotonin into the wall of the gut, which has at least seven types of serotonin receptors. The receptors, in turn, communicate with nerve cells to start digestive enzymes flowing or to start things moving through the intestines.

Either way, what is good for one brain is often good for the other, too. A team of researchers from Penn State University recently discovered a possible new direction in treating intestinal disorders, biofeedback for the brain in the gut.

To put this simply: problems in your digestive system can be a source of not only emotional issues but even disorders like autism.  Even disorders that are considered IMMUNE system disorders like rheumatoid arthritis could be caused by digestive system disorders.

Dr Keefe,  Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


The good news is chiropractic adjustments, diet and nutritional therapy are the most effective treatment for the digestive system.

Things to consider.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Diet Tips

o Identify and avoid trigger foods.

o Practice conscious eating. Take time to savor food, chew thoroughly, and enjoy eating as a ritual.

o Don't lie down right after a meal.

o Maintain a healthy weight.

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,



o Create calm. Turn off the television or computer during mealtimes.

o Learn and practice relaxation techniques.


Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain Tulsa chiropractor,


o Exercise tones the intestines.

o Get regular. Aim for  30 to 60 minutes.

The Colon

inside the human body organs

click pic

The colon absorbs water, electrolytes, and nutrients from food and transports them into the bloodstream. It is about 6 feet in length and consists of the cecum (connects to the small intestine at the cecal valve), the ascending colon (the vertical segment located on the right side of the abdomen), the transverse colon (extends across the abdomen), the descending colon (leads vertically down the left side of the abdomen), and the sigmoid colon (extends to the rectum). The pH in the colon varies between 5.5 and 7 (slightly acidic to neutral). 95% of your serotonin is made in the intestines. Both anxiety and depression as well as sleep disorders can be related to low serotonin levels.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Chances are there is some aspect of your health you want to change, whether it's acne, not having enough energy, a yeast infection (candida), leaky gut syndrome, being overweight or chronic constipation.

Most people, for instance, all complain about not having enough energy, and feeling sluggish often. They assume it's something they simply have to deal with. No matter what type of ailment you have, cleaning, tonifying and strengthening our colon will have a beneficial effect in relieving us of our various ailments.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Why is the colon arguably the most important organ in the human body? For starters, the colon is one organ that indirectly and directly affects all the other organs in the body. When it's clogged up, the liver can't do its job properly. When the liver can't work efficiently, the kidney suffers, etc.

The colon is where all the wastes in our body is stored until it is ready to be excreted. When our colon is clogged up with "mucoid plaque", toxic matter can't be released as it stays in our colon longer than normal. The results? Proteins start to putrefy, fats rancify, and carbohydrates start to ferment.

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


The longer toxic matter remains in your body, the higher your chance for disease. To make matters worse, most of us consume foods that our body can't tolerate (think junk food). All of these toxins circulate back to our bloodstream, attacking our organs and joints, and ultimately causing various diseases.

Common causes of constipation are:

  • Not enough fiber in the diet
  • Not enough liquids
  • Lack of exercise
  • Medications
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Changes in life or routine such as pregnancy, older age, and travel
  • Abuse of laxatives
  • Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
  • Stroke (by far the most common)
  • Problems with the colon and rectum
  • Problems with intestinal function (chronic idiopathic constipation)

Think about this: What happens when you leave a peeled banana outside for several days? It turns rotten. Well, you can imagine why this could cause problems inside your body.

Adj.1. putrified - in an advanced state of decomposition and having a foul odor; "horrible like raw and putrid flesh"

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


The list of problems that can develop in the colon is long from irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis, polyps, even colon cancer to name a few.

Source Of Problems

Dr Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor,


Intrinsically (from within) genetics and poor blood and nerve supply would be the most common problems. Extrinsically (from without) could be poor diet, food allergies, parasites, poor digestion etc. Neurologically your low back supplies the nerves that regulate and control the growth, repair and function of the colon. These nerves also control the blood and lymph supply of the colon. Not only can colon problems cause low back pain but misalignments in the low back can set you up for colon problems.

When we see someone with colon problems, besides the structural and neurological component we look at diet and the digestive system as a whole. Problems with a lack of digestive enzymes or an imbalance of digestive enzymes can cause undigested foods to flood the colon leading to putrified waste products, shifts in pH balance and disruption of the normal bacteria population further compromising colon health.

toxic_worldDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


With the use of specialized detoxification products, friendly bacteria and targeted nutrients to detoxify and heal the lining of the colon. We can develop a program to help rehabilitate the most common colon problems. We have several remedies for parasites and can individualize the type of digestive enzymes a patient might need.

The good news about colon problems is that the combination of chiropractic care, proper diet (based on your genetic makeup) and targeted nutrition, most colon problems respond excellently. In fact, these tools are the most effective treatment for the colon on the planet.

fatsDr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Improving the health of the lining of the colon is essential in any colon treatment. Inflammation in the lining of the colon can lead to small breaks allowing toxins to enter the bloodstream directly from the colon. This single condition can lead to a host of other health problems. This is called: “leaky gut syndrome” which allows not only toxins but antigens to enter your bloodstream. Antigens (substances that you are allergic to) can circulate and can cause problems literally anywhere in your body. Headaches, arthritis, skin conditions, depression, and fatigue, the list can go on and on. Vega testing allows us to monitor the health of the colon mucosa (lining of the colon) and determine the appropriate treatment for repair.

What You Can Do On Your Own

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.


Eat plenty of foods high in fiber. If you're having colon problems drink your cleansing dose of fluids. Your cleansing dose is half your body weight in ounces. For instance, a 100 pound person should drink 50 ounces of fluids to reach their cleansing dose. Eat in a relaxed environment where you chew your foods into a liquid form before swallowing. Never put off bowl movements when you have an urge to go, this can lead to constipation. Cultured or fermented foods supply the friendly bacteria essential in colon health. Junk food is poison for you colon. Take care of your body and your body will take care of you.