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Week of: Monday Aug. 12, 2013

Courtesy of:

John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

FUN FACTS: Scallops have as many as 100 simple eyes. They're frequently blue. The ocean is 12,080.7 feet (3,682.2 meters) deep on average. That's about eight Empire State Buildings, stacked one on top of the other. The deepest part of the ocean, however, is about 36,200 feet down (11,030 m). That's more like 25 Empire State Buildings. The Central American salamander Bolitoglossa dofleini can extend its tongue more than half its body length in 7 milliseconds, 50 times faster than you can blink an eye. The Catholic Church once put a dead Pope on trial. After Pope Formosus died in A.D. 896, his successor had him disinterred, dressed in papal robes and set up to face a laundry list of political charges. The cadaver lost. The male platypus has a venomous spur on its hind foot capable of dispensing a poison that can kill a medium-sized dog. Prosopagnosia is a disorder in which people struggle to recognize faces. Faces are so important that humans have a brain area called the fusiform gyrus that specializes in recognizing them. Developmental problems or injuries to the fusiform gyrus can leave people clueless about the looks of even loved ones.

DIET: IT'S NO MAGIC BULLET, BUT THE BENEFITS OF WATER ARE MANY. "Think of water as a nutrient your body needs that is present in liquids, plain water, and foods. All of these are essential daily to replace the large amounts of water lost each day," says Joan Koelemay, RD, dietitian for the Beverage Institute, an industry group. Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids. Water Can Help Control Calories Water Helps Energize Muscles. Water Helps Keep Skin Looking Good. Water Helps Your Kidneys. Water Helps Maintain Normal Bowel Function. WATER NEEDS ARE BASED ON YOUR BODY WEIGHT: HALF YOUR WEIGHT = YOUR CLEANSING DOSE AND EIGHTY PERCENT OF THAT = YOU’RE MINIMUM DOSE. A 100 LB PERSON SHOULD DRINK BETWEEN 40 TO 50 OZS

CHIROPRACTIC:   MINOR PRESSURE ON NERVES CAUSES PROBLEMS   A paper published in the September 2001 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research confirms what chiropractors have been saying for 106 years. The study's title is, "The Effects of Mild Compression on Spinal Nerve Roots With Implications for Models of Vertebral Subluxation and the Clinical Effects of Chiropractic Adjustment: A Review of the Literature." The author is George Muhs, D.C., Assistant Professor of Clinical Services at the University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic and Scott Alderson D.C., a chiropractor in private practice.    The research revealed that "as little as 10 mm Mercury pressure can alter the nerve root and dorsal root ganglion's ability to function normally". The authors concluded that "these alterations would therefore alter the quality and/or quantity of the message sent. At the tissue and cellular level, the message received would not be adequate for the function the body demands. The entire body could then theoretically be affected." The authors also noted "The concept that a vertebral subluxation can induce pressure increases at the level of the IVF (Intervertebral Foramen) is supported by the literature. This increase, though seemingly mild, is enough to alter nerve function." They continued "The chiropractic adjustment can effect a restoration of normal H-reflex (nerve function) in compressed nerve roots.

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