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WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE Week of: Monday April 11, 2015


Courtesy of:

John H. Keefe III, D.C.

 (918) 663-1111

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

IN THE NEWS: DISEASE-FIGHTING FOODS You’ve probably noticed that a little bit of color— in your closet and on your plate— is a great way to make things more attractive and inviting. It’s true; colorful foods are enticing to both grown ups and kids. And colorful fruits and vegetables also help protect you from chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, some cancers, diabetes and obesity.  “Eating in Color” takes you through the entire color spectrum, providing recipes and ideas for adding more reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, indigos and violets, and blacks and tans to your meals. Here's a taste of what each color can specifically do to boost a woman’s health.

 Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

WELLNESS: More Than Half of The American Diet is Ultra-Processed Junk Food An astonishing 60 percent of the food Americans eat is ULTRA-processed, and these foods account for 90 percent of the added sugar consumption in the U.S. About 2 percent of the calories in processed foods come from added sugars. By definition, unprocessed or minimally processed contain none. Ultra-processed foods get 21 percent of their calories from added sugars. The 2015 U.S. dietary guidelines recommend limiting sugar intake to a max of 10 percent of daily calories. Cutting down on ultra-processed foods is a simple way to reduce your added sugar intake.

 whiplash, Dr. Keefe, Natural Health care, pain, Tulsa chiropractor, neck pain, headache,

CONDITION OF THE WEEK: INJURIES AND CAR ACCIDENTS The number one cause for disability in any Western country is due to automobile accidents. What is even more concerning is patients will have marked disability 10 to 20 years after an accident in which they didn’t feel they were hurt. With any accident, be it a car accident or slip and fall, you can misaligned vertebrae in your neck or back that if not corrected will lead to degenerate over time. You can misaligned other joints like elbow joints, wrist, knee or ankle that because of mechanical friction arthritis can develop. Chiropractic adjustments of the neck, back, arm or leg can restore normal joint function and prevent degenerative changes.

 Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

FUNNY BONE: Girls are like phones. We love to be held and talked to, but if you press the wrong button you'll be disconnected!@@ You love flowers, but you cut them. You love animals, but you eat them. You tell me you love me, so now I'm scared!@@ All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.@@ If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way.@@ My wife never gives up. She is so insistent that she entered the wrong password over and over again until she managed to convince the computer that she's right!


Link: crohns-disease

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