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WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE Week of: Monday April 17, 2017


Courtesy of:

John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

IN THE NEWS: The science behind why chocolate and peanut butter make an irresistible match Raise your hand if you've ever wolfed down several mini chocolate peanut butter cups in a drug-like trance. One bite and you're smitten — the chocolate hits your taste buds and your brain's pleasure centers light up like a Christmas tree. You can't stop yourself from eating more and more peanut butter cups to make the feeling last a little longer. Chocolate and peanut butter are powerful partners in crime that can hijack willpower — fast. From Reese's candies to Tagalong Girl Scout cookies to buckeyes, some of the most beloved candies feature the two flavor co-conspirators. Together, chocolate and peanut butter are somehow even more magnificent than they are when eaten solo. All of this made us wonder — why do chocolate and peanut butter taste so dang heavenly when mixed together? Here's what we found out. Here's why you're obsessed with chocolate and peanut butter The pleasing taste of biting into a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup is partially thanks to a phenomenon called "dynamic sensory contrast," Gregory Ziegler, a Penn State University professor of food science who studies chocolate, said in a phone interview. Ziegler explained that our taste buds love when foods have contrasting textures. "The smooth melt of the chocolate and the crunch of the nut pieces" provide a pleasing contrast, Ziegler noted. The sensual sensation sometimes causes us to eat more — so you can thank dynamic sensory contrast the next time you inhale a dozen mini peanut butter cups in one sitting. Dynamic sensory contrast is also known as the "ice cream effect," Ziegler said. "The idea was, why do people still have room for ice cream [after a huge dinner]?"  Even when people report they are extremely full, they often manage to make room for ice cream because our taste buds crave that sensation — when cold ice cream changes its texture as it hits the warmth of your mouth, Ziegler noted. Similarly, chocolate also changes texture (by melting) when it's warmed by your mouth, which is why even chocolate without nuts or peanut butter can be irresistible to our taste buds, Ziegler said.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

WELLNESS: Taking high dosages of statins raises the risk of developing diabetes in older women by 50%  Taking statins can increase the risk of developing diabetes for older women by more than 50 per cent, research shows. Higher dosages mean they are likelier to suffer the potentially fatal condition – in which blood sugar levels get too high. The controversial cholesterol-lowering drugs are used by around 12million Britons, but have been linked with side effects. Now, Australian scientists have carried out one of the first studies of its kind focusing on the effects of statins on more than 8,000 female pensioners. Taking statins can increase the risk of developing diabetes for older women by more than 50 per cent, research shows. Note: Medical practice concerning cholesterol was based on a fraudulent study over 50 years ago. Even though no one has been able to confirm that study after several tries the train has already left the station. It’s very difficult to change medical practice that’s been going on for many years. Even though there have been no successful cholesterol studies statins are still commonly prescribed for a condition that is caused by inflammation. Elevated cholesterol is a nutritional problem and needs to be addressed through diet, nutrition and lifestyle measures. Don’t risk your health taking dangerous and ill prescribed drugs seek solutions for your health problems.

Dr. Keefe, Keefe Clinic. Tulsa Chiropractor, pain, natural health care.

CONDITION OF THE WEEK: Disc problems: chiropractic versus steroid injections. The recent study comparing the effectiveness of chiropractic to a common practice of steroid injections from medical professionals have found chiropractic adjustments superior. Not only do the adjustments produce better outcome but there is significantly less side effects. What the study doesn’t cover is the difference between correcting the problem and suppressing the problem with drugs. When you have a disc problem you have an alignment problem in virtually all cases. Drugs cannot realign the spine. Even if the drug gave you symptomatic improvement the underlying issue is still present and disc damage is still progressing. When you correct the problem with adjustments, as you realign the vertebra you re-stabilize the disc which allows for normal healing. The difference in both approaches would not be fully realized until at least 5 to 10 years. At that point the continued deterioration would become obvious again under the drug therapy whereas the chiropractic approach, by fixing the problem, offers a better long-term outcome.

Dr Keefe, Keefe Clinic, Natural Health Care, Tulsa Chiropractor, Diet, Pain,

FUNNY BONES:  I wonder what Facebook employees do to waste their time at work?@@ Someone figured out my password. Now I have to rename my dog.@@ Anton, do you think I’m a bad mother? My name is Paul.@@ It’s ok to talk to yourself, it’s even ok to answer yourself.. But when you ask yourself to repeat what you just said- you have a problem!@@ Dear Google: They are only using you to get to me. Sincerely Wikipedia@@ Whatever you do always give 100% ….. Unless you are donating blood 🙂


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