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WEEKLY HEALTH UPDATE Week of: Monday Mar. 24, 2014

Courtesy of:

John H. Keefe III, D.C.

(918) 663-1111

DIET: Use bamboo extract to improve skin and hair health Bamboo extract comes from the leaves and stalks of an edible grass that is eaten by many of the world's animals. It is a rich source of silica, which is an essential nutrient for humans, too. In particular, silica plays a great role in keeping the skin and hair healthy. In fact, daily supplements of silica through the use of bamboo extract can improve the condition of hair and skin, even to the point of alleviating eczema and psoriasis. In addition to its benefits to hair and skin, silica from bamboo extract can strengthen the musculoskeletal system, improve the condition of nails and teeth, and reduce triglycerides and cholesterol.

IN THE NEWS: STUDY: MEN GET GRUMPY AT AGE 70 If you're a male who's approaching 50, good news: A recent study found that 80% of the 1,315 men surveyed found that life improved around 50, as opposed to the 20% who said life didn't get easier until retirement age. But the good times apparently have an expiration date. The men found that their happiness began to diminish around age 70, which NPR dubs "the approximate moment when grumpiness kicks in for men." The study, published in March's Psychology and Aging, shed some light on why the men, who were between the ages of 53 and 85 during the 15-year study, found that life improved at first, then started to be a downer around 70. "Older adults," referring to those around 50, "on average have fewer hassles—and respond to them better—than younger adults," explains lead author Carolyn Aldwin. But as decades pass new "hassles" set in, and how the men "appraised" them changed.

CHIROPRACTIC:  Panic Attacks and the Chiropractic Adjustment: A Case Report  A 52-year-old female diagnosed with chronic panic attacks. She had been prescribed a variety of antidepressants and tranquilizers over the years, as well as undergoing counseling and relaxation training - all to no benefit. Chiropractic examination revealed areas of upper and mid cervical, upper and mid thoracic and right sacroiliac fixations. The patient's blood pressure would read 182/102 mm Hg and her pulse rate 120 beats per minute during an attack. Her blood pressure would drop to 140/80 and her pulse to 76 beats per minute four minutes after the adjustment. She had been free of panic attacks for more than two months which is the best she had been in years in spite of the fact that her M.D. cut her Xanax dosage in half after she began chiropractic care. Potthoff S. Penwell B, Wolf J.   ACA J of Chiropractic, 1993 (December) 30:26-28.


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